Форум «Лечебное голодание»

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-   -   Голодание и Тибетская Медицина. (http://golodanie.su/forum//showthread.php?t=4765)

Вадим Асадулин 30-12-2012 12:39

Re: Голодание и Тибетская Медицина.

Сообщение от Iden (Сообщение 720812)
У форума название - "Традиционная медицина"
Очевидно имеется ввиду традиционная Тибетская Медицина?

Нет, Традиционная, т. е. имеющая некие традиции в этническом аспекте.
Это и Славянская, Армянская, Тибетская, Монгольская, Бурятская, Греческая и пр..
В этом отношении больше всего не повезло Славянской. Благодаря православию и коммунистам, первоисточники - Канонические тексты уничтожены. Я буду переводить с нескольких языков и восстанавливать Традиции, чем и занимаюсь много лет.

qaz 30-12-2012 13:41

Re: Голодание и Тибетская Медицина.
Вадим Асадулин, до берсеков доберёшься?

Вадим Асадулин 30-12-2012 13:59

Re: Голодание и Тибетская Медицина.

Сообщение от qaz (Сообщение 720842)
Вадим Асадулин, до берсеков доберёшься?

Более 20 лет учусь в International Postgraduate Medical Training (IPMT).
В Иркутске ежегодно, а иногда чаще, проходят семинары для врачей всех специальностей, лечебных педагогов, студентов соответствующих направлений под эгидой руководителя медицинской секции Гётеанума Михаэлы Глёклер. Германия – единственная европейская страна, которая сохранила знания от Гиппократа. Теоретические основы такие же, как в любой Традиционной Медицине.

qaz 30-12-2012 14:37

Re: Голодание и Тибетская Медицина.

Сообщение от Вадим Асадулин (Сообщение 720847)
Германия – единственная европейская страна, которая сохранила знания от Гиппократа. Теоретические основы такие же, как в любой Традиционной Медицине.

Неужели в самом деле?
«Лекарство должно быть едой, а еда – лекарством», это высказывание дремучие неучи приписывают и Гиппократу и Авиценне, но известно это было пращурам гораздо раньше.
Какая медицина пропагандирует что в физическое тело пихать надо только лекарства?

Вадим Асадулин 30-12-2012 15:21

Re: Голодание и Тибетская Медицина.

Сообщение от qaz (Сообщение 720856)
Неужели в самом деле?
«Лекарство должно быть едой, а еда – лекарством», это высказывание дремучие неучи приписывают и Гиппократу и Авиценне, но известно это было пращурам гораздо раньше.
Какая медицина пропагандирует что в физическое тело пихать надо только лекарства?

А где граница между здоровьем и болезнью, между диетой и лечением?
Холода нет, есть недостаток Тепла, Тьмы нет - есть недостаток Света, болезней нет - есть недостаток Здоровья!

qaz 30-12-2012 22:51

Re: Голодание и Тибетская Медицина.

Сообщение от Вадим Асадулин (Сообщение 720868)
А где граница между здоровьем и болезнью, между диетой и лечением?

Границы между здоровьем и болезнью условны, если есть соответствующие договорённости в локальном сообществе. Тренды к здоровью и к болезни безусловны, это путь к гармонии и путь к дисгармонии. На каком пути и на каком уровне находится индивид определить надо прежде всего, далее подбирать лечение и диету.

Вадим Асадулин 31-12-2012 13:08

Re: Голодание и Тибетская Медицина.

Сообщение от qaz (Сообщение 720961)
Границы между здоровьем и болезнью условны, если есть соответствующие договорённости в локальном сообществе. Тренды к здоровью и к болезни безусловны, это путь к гармонии и путь к дисгармонии. На каком пути и на каком уровне находится индивид определить надо прежде всего, далее подбирать лечение и диету.

Абсолютно не так!

Вадим Асадулин 31-12-2012 16:45

Re: Голодание и Тибетская Медицина.
Решил размяться в новом году - перевести пару рецептов, но обнаружил википедию на тибетском!
Это не классический тибетский, а ума!
Но это нам по плечу! Я переводил.

Вадим Асадулин 31-12-2012 17:17

Re: Голодание и Тибетская Медицина.
Открыл новую тему по Каноноведению:

Вадим Асадулин 02-01-2013 07:32

Re: Голодание и Тибетская Медицина.
Standardization of Botanicals Volume-1 Second Edition:


ABOUT THE BOOK: Today most extracts are chemically poorly characterized with unidentified active constituents, stability issues and erratic quality profile. To obtain biologically reproducible results in terms of safety and efficacy, the active ingredients must be the same, must be stable and devoid of unpredictable toxicity or side effects.
There is however, a lack of uniform industry standards for the testing of materials. Some organizations in various parts of the world are working on developing such testing and standardization norms but the work is far from over and as yet no statutory sanction has been provided by any country on such methods, i.e no official herbal pharmacopoeia exists anywhere providing approved and validated testing methods with reference standards, that have official seal of approval.
This book is an attempt to provide, not only the quantitative testing methods but also chemical constituents, extraction processes, specifications of various extracts, therapeutic functions, dosage, pharmacological properties, toxicity/safety aspects and references. This book contains twenty five widely used medicinal herbs.
While there are some books available on identification, description, pharmacological action, safety aspects etc. of medicinal herbs, very few books can be found on quantitative testing of medicinal herbs. This book fills that gap in knowledge with detailed, ready to use and validated methods of analysis to be performed in a quality control laboratory. This book will be welcomed by all those who are concerned about the standardization of botanicals as it provides analytical procedures for extracts as well as phytochemicals.
AUTHOR: Dr. V. Rajpal | ISBN: 9788190646758 | YEAR: 2011 |PAGES: 286 | SIZE: 18.5 X 24.5 X 2 cm. | BINDING: Hard | LANGUAGE: English |
Нажмите тут для просмотра всего текста
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dr. Rajpal obtained his doctorate in phytochemistry in 1976 and since then has been associated with the herb processing and testing of botanicals, their extracts and phytochemicals in an industrial setting. He also provides consultancy services to various companies in this sector. He is presently working as a Technical Director with a company engaged in extraction of botanicals.
Acorus calamus
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Alternate Extraction Process
Specifications Sheet - Dry Extract-Powder (10:1)
Estimation of ß - asarone in Acorus calamus Dry Extract by HPTLC
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Therapeutic Indications
Toxicity and Safety Aspects
Aloe barbadensis Mill / vera Tourn Ex. Linn.
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Extraction process of Aloe Gel and Powder
Specifications Sheet- (1) Gum Dry Extract, (2) Leaf Dry Extract, (3) Gel – stablised
Assay (For Hydroxy Anthracene Derivatives)
Assay (Mucilage - Mucopolysaccharides)
Determination of Aloesin in Aloe Extract and Aloe Preparations by HPLC
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Therapeutic Indications
Toxicity and Safety Aspects
Andrographis paniculata(Chuanxintiant)
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Specifications Sheet - (1) Dry Extract (Spray dried Powder), (2) Soft Extract, (3) Andrographolide
Estimation of Total Bitters as Andrographolides in Andrographis Paniculata plant (Kalmegh) Extract
Estimation of Andrographolides by Spectrophotometric Method
HPLC Analysis of Andrographolide
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Clinical Research
Therapeutic Indications
Contra-indications / Cautions
Official Pharmacopoeial Preparations
Bacopa monnieri (Herpestis monnirei Linn.)
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Specifications Sheet - Herb Dry Extract
Estimation of Total Saponins as Bacosides A & B in Bacopa monnieri Dry Extract
HPLC Analysis of Bacosides A & B
Quantitative Determination of Bacosides by HPTLC
Determination of Total Bacosides as Bacoside A by UV Spectroscopy
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Clinical Research
Therapeutic Indications
Boswellia serrata
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Isolation of ß- Boswellic Acid
Conversion of ß-Boswellic Acid acetate to ß - Boswellic Acid
Specifications Sheet - Gum Dry Extract - Vacuum Dried Powder
Method of Estimation of Boswellic Acid by Non-Aqueous Titration in Boswellia serrata (Sallaki) Dry Extract
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Therapeutic Functions
Cassia angustifolia Vahl.
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Specifications Sheet - (1) Cassia angustifolia Leaf Dry Extract, (2) Sennosides - 30% To 60%
Assay of Sennosides (USP-XXIV, P. 1517)
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Toxicity and Safety Data
Therapeutic Indications
Centella asiatica (Linn.) Urban (Hydrocotyle asiatica Linn.)
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Specifications Sheet - Dry Extract (Vacuum Dried Powder)
Estimation of Sapogenins as Asiatic Acid
Assay by HPLC Procedure
Estimation of Saponin by Gravimetric Method
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Clinical Research
Official Pharmacopoeial Preparations
Therapeutic Indications
Contra-Indication / Cautions / Warning
Cissus quadrangularis Linn.
Syn. Vitis quadrangularis (Heliotropium indicum)
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Specifications Sheet - Stem Dry Extract
Quantitative Testing
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Clinical Research
Therapeutic Indications
Commiphora mukul Gum (Guggul Gum)
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Specifications Sheet - (1) Guggul gum Soft Extract, (2) Guggul gum Dry Extract Powder 10:1, (3) Guggul gum Dry Extract Powder 5:1
Estimation of Guggulsterones by Spectrophotometer
Estimation of Lipids in Guggul Extract
UV Spectrum Profile
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Side Effects
Clinical Research
Therapeutic Functions
Eclipta alba / prostata Linn.
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Specifications Sheet - (1) Herb Dry Extract, (2) Herb Soft Extract
Estimation of Bitters
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Clinical Research
Therapeutic Indications
Safety Aspects
Garcinia cambogia
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Manufacturing Process
Specifications Sheet - Dry Extract - Spray dried powder
Quantitative Estimation of (-) Hydroxy Citric Acid in Garcinia cambogia Extract
Estimation of (-) Hydroxy Citric Acid by HPLC
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Clinical Research
Therapeutic Indications
Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process for Thick Paste/Powder
Manufacturing Process - of Mono-ammonium Gylcyrrhizinate and Deglycyrrhizinised Liquorice Extract
Specifications Sheet - (1) Root Dry Extract, (2) Root Thick Paste, (3) De-Glycyrrhizinated Liquorice Dry Extract, (4) Mono Ammonium Glycyrrhizinate, (5) Sodium Glycyrrhizinate, (6) Glycyrrhizic Acid, (7) Glycyrrhitinic Acid
Estimation of Flavonoids in Glycyrrhiza glabra Dry Extract and De-Glycyrrhizinised Liquorice Extract
Estimation of Crude Glycyrrhizin by Gravimetric Method (Garret Method)
Estimation of Glycyrrhizin by Spectrophotometric Method
Estimation of Glycyrrhizic Acid by HPTLC
Estimation of Glycyrrhizin by TLC – Densitometry
Testing method of Mono-ammonium Glycyrrhizinate
Manufacturing Process of Sodium Glycyrrhizinate
Conversion of Mono Ammonium Glycyrrhizinate to Glycyrrhitinic Acid
Conversion of Glycyrrhitinic Acid to Its Acetate
Conversion of Glycyrrhitinic Acid to Its Succinate Derivative (Carbenoxolone)
Process Flow Chart For Mono Ammonium Glycyrrhizinate [MAG]
Process Flow Chart For De-Glycyrrhizinated Liquorice Extract [DGL]
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Clinical Research
Side effects
Therapeutic Indications
Gymnema sylvestre
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Specifications Sheet - (1) Leaf Dry Extract, (2) Leaf Purified Dry Extract
Estimation of Crude Gymnemic Acid from Gymnema sylvestre Leaf Extract
Quantitative assay method for Total Gymnemasaponin by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
An alternate HPLC procedure for estimating Gymnemic Acid
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Clinical Research
Therapeutic Indications
Hypericum perforatum Linn.
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Specifications Sheet - (1) Dry Extract Powder, (2) Soft Extract
Estimation of Dianthrones calculated as Total Hypericin
Therapeutic Indications
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Clinical Research
Toxicity and Safety Data
Mucuna pruriens
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Manufacturing Process of L – Dopa
Specifications Sheet - Processed Mucuna Seeds Dry Powder
Estimation of L-Dopa in Mucuna pruriens Extract
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Clinical Research
Therapeutic Indications
Passiflora incarnata Linn.
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Specifications Sheet - (1) Soft Extract, (2) Dry Extract
Estimation of Flavonoids by HPLC
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Therapeutic Indications
Toxicity and safety data
Phyllanthus amarus Schum / fraternus Webster
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Specifications Sheet - (1) Soft Extract (Thick Paste), (2) Herb Dry Extract
Estimation of Phyllanthin and Hypophyllanthin by HPLC
Thin Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Phyllanthus Species
Estimation of Bitters as Lignan
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Therapeutic Functions
Picrorhiza kurroa
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Specifications Sheet - (1) Thick Paste, (2) Dry Extract
TLC Procedure of Picrorhiza kurroa
Estimation of Bitters as Kutkin In Picrorhiza kurroa Root (Kutki) Extract
HPLC Procedure
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Clinical Research
Therapeutic Functions
Polygala senega / tenuifolia
Polygala chinensis (Indian Senega, Meradu)
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Specifications Sheet - (1) Soft Extract (Polygala chinensis) (Senega Indian), (2) Dry Extract Polygala chinensis (Senega Indian)
Estimation of Total Triterpenic Saponins in Senega Root / Extract
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Therapeutic Functions
Toxicity and Safety Aspects
Tinospora cordifolia
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Specifications Sheet - Dry Extract
Estimation of Bitters in Tinospora cordifolia Extract
Estimation of Cordifolioside ''A'' by HPLC Method
HPTLC Analysis
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Clinical Research
Therapeutic Functions
Tribulus terrestris Fruit (Gokhru)
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Specifications Sheet - (1) Processed Tribulus terrestris Dry Extract, (2) Tribulus terrestris Dry Extract
Estimation of Total Saponins in Tribulus terrestris (Gokhru) Extract
TLC Analysis
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Therapeutic Functions
Trigonella foenum-graecum Linn.
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Specifications Sheet - (1) Dry Extract, (2) Soft Extract
Testing Procedure For Saponins in Trigonella foenumgraecum (Methi Dana) Extract
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Therapeutic Indications
Uses and Applications
Valeriana wallichii
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Specifications Sheet - (1) Thick Paste, (2) Dry Extract
Quantitative Estimation of Valepotriates
Valerenic Acid Determination by HPLC
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Clinical Research
Therapeutic Indications
Toxicity and Safety Aspects
Withania somnifera
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process
Specifications Sheet - Dry Extract
Estimation of Withanolides
Estimation of Glycowithanolides
Estimation of Total Alkaloids
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Contraindications / Cautions
Therapeutic Indications
Zingiber officinale Rosc
Distribution and Description of the Plant
Chemical Constituents of the Herb
Extraction Process for thick paste
Extraction Process for dry extract
Specifications Sheet - (1) Thick Paste, (2) Dry Extract
Analysis Procedure
Pharmacological and Biological Activities
Clinical Research
Therapeutic Functions
Toxicity and Safety Data
Annexure - 1 Herb Extraction Chart
Annexure - 2 Websites on Herbal Medicines
Index of Chemical Constituents

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