Форум «Лечебное голодание»

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qaz 09-09-2014 15:26

Re: Рак и альтернатива альтернативе

Сообщение от Дэн (Сообщение 918626)
что если употреблять в пищу сырые животные мочевые пузыри и почки?

Что бы древнее суеверие исполнилось надо употреблять в пищу сырые человеческие мочевые пузыри и почки от здорового и сильного врага.

Евочка 20-09-2014 20:08

Re: Рак и альтернатива альтернативе
Интересная статья про грибочки.


tree 25-09-2014 11:08

Re: Рак и альтернатива альтернативе

Сообщение от voldav (Сообщение 916423)
Спасибо ребята, тут проблема в другом... где-то закупорка оттока мочи. Где? Никто не знает. Посмотрим.

Склоняюсь к этому же мнению, у меня креатинин несколько лет уже в 3-4 раза норму превышает и никто не может объяснить почему.

Mar-inna 01-10-2014 13:52

Re: Рак и альтернатива альтернативе

Wit 12-10-2014 13:22

Re: Рак и альтернатива альтернативе
Начинается трансляция серии док. фильмов The Truth About Cancer, продолжение называется “The Quest for The Cures…Continues”. Ожидается 11 серий, ниже краткое их описание.
Если я ничего не путаю с временными зонами, то старт 1-й серии 9 PM EST соответствует 5 ч. утра по московскому времени во вторник 14/10/2014. Трансляция последней серии закончится утром 25/10/2014. В прошлый раз каждую серию открывали на 24 часа.

The docu-series will air on Monday, October 13th
through Friday the 24th, starting at 9 PM EST each night, so have it marked on your calendar :-)

I wanted to share with you a sneak peek about the thrilling episodes we have planned for you:

Episode 1: Modern Medicine & The Cancer Pandemic

In order to understand the current state of affairs of medical practice in the Western World, it’s
vital to understand exactly how we got here.

In this episode, we’re going to jump into the time capsule and go all the way back over 100
years to the turn of the 20th century and learn how we got ourselves into this mess.

Episode 2: Your First Line Of Defense…

Did you know…that many oncologists believe that cancer cannot exist in a body whose immune
system is functioning properly?

In this episode you’ll learn just how important your immune system is for fighting, destroying,
and of course preventing the development of cancer and many other diseases.

Episode 3: Eliminate These “Dirty Dozen” To Prevent Cancer

In this episode you’ll learn what foods, chemicals, elements, vaccines, and heavy metals are
detrimental to your body. You’ll also learn how to identify and remove them from your life.

Episode 4: Your Secret Fountain of Youth

We live in a much more toxic world than we did 100 years ago. There are estimated to be
approximately 100,000 chemicals now in commerce and only 3,500 of which have been safely

Throughout our daily life we are in constant contact with environmental toxins. Detoxification is
your key to the fountain of youth.

You will learn the best detox methods and why safely detoxifying your body is so crucial to
keeping you cancer free, but you’ll also learn specific step-by-step instructions on how to detox
properly and specifically for cancer treatment.

Episode 5: Nature’s Pharmacy

In this episode, you’ll learn about how natural food really can be your medicine. For thousands
of years, humans have used the plant life around them to help cure their ailments. If you walk
into the woods, you will be hard pressed to find anything that’s not medicine.

Episode 6: Clean Foods & The Cancer-Free Diet

We all know that “You are what you eat” and in this episode we’re going to show you exactly
how to eat in a way that will destroy cancer cells and of course what to eat to keep you cancer-
free using food, nutrition and supplementation.

Episode 7: Diagnostic “Do’s & Don’ts” – Proven Treatment Protocols Part 1

What if the popular diagnostic tests for cancer, such as mammograms and the PSA test, were
ineffective (at best) and actually caused cancer (at worst)? If that question caught your
attention, you will definitely want to tune in to episode 7 as we learn that mammograms may not
offer the life-saving benefits many women may hope for.

Episode 8: Proven Treatment Protocols Part 2

In this episode, we will continue our journey to learn about proven cancer treatment protocols.
We’ll learn from trailblazing physicians like Dr. Nick Gonzalez, Dr. Francisco Contreras, and Dr.
Leigh Erin Connealy. We will also learn the story of suppression of a totally non-toxic cancer
treatment from documentary filmmaker and historian, G. Edward Griffin.

Episode 9: Proven Treatment Protocols Part 3

In this episode, we will continue our journey to learn about proven cancer treatment protocols.
We’ll learn from Dr. Sunil Pai, Dr. James Forsythe, Dr. Bradford Weeks, R. Webster Kehr,
Burton Goldberg, Dr. Ben Johnson, Dr. Daniel Nuzum, and Bob Wright.

Episode 10: Doctor’s Orders

Ever wonder what your doctor would do if he/she were diagnosed with breast cancer or colon
cancer? Well in this episode, the doctors share exactly what they would do if diagnosed with
different kinds of cancer.

Episode 11: How to Survive and Thrive

Learn first-hand from survivors, ordinary people just like you, that beat the odds. In this episode,
you’ll hear from others who’ve fought and won the battle – and exactly how they did it. This is
going to be a powerful, inspirational, and extremely educational show that you won’t want to miss.

This series could save your life or someone you love.

Do me a favor and share our site and mission with everyone you know so that they can watch it
as well. The more we educate the world, the quicker we can eliminate this pandemic.


Кто понимает по-английски, сможет посмотреть, ожидает быть интересно.

Wit 14-10-2014 14:51

Re: Рак и альтернатива альтернативе
“The Quest for The Cures…Continues”
Episode 1: Modern Medicine & The Cancer Pandemic


Wit 15-10-2014 08:14

Re: Рак и альтернатива альтернативе
“The Quest for The Cures…Continues”

Episode 2: Your First Line Of Defense…


Wit 16-10-2014 09:59

Re: Рак и альтернатива альтернативе
“The Quest for The Cures…Continues”

Episode 3: Eliminate These “Dirty Dozen” To Prevent Cancer


odesey 17-10-2014 01:02

Воспаление стенок артерий
Воспаление стенок артерий

ArmStrong 17-10-2014 03:12

Re: Воспаление стенок артерий

Сообщение от odesey (Сообщение 923860)

а какое отношение это имеет к раку?
и что рекомендует автор?


Сообщение от Докторa Дуайт Ланделл
Доктор Дуайт Ланделл рассказывает о том, что реальная причина болезней — вовсе не холестерин и жирная пища, как долгое время полагало большинство его коллег. Исследования показали, что сердечно-сосудистые заболевания возникают из-за хронического воспаления стенок артерий. Если этого воспаления нет, то холестерин не будет накапливаться в сосудах, а сможет свободно циркулировать в них...
Поэтому лучше всего выбирать цельные продукты, которые использовали наши бабушки, а не те, которые наши мамы покупали в продуктовых магазинах, полных фабричной еды. http://matveychev-oleg.livejournal.com/1402408.htm

Спасибо за добрые советы, вот уж открытие для нас.

Текущее время: 12:34. Часовой пояс GMT +4.

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