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Вадим Асадулин 03-04-2011 01:03

Re: Вопросы врачу Вадиму Асадулину
Дерматологические заболевания остаются самой неблагодарной темой моей врачебной практики.
Западная медицина может предложить только лечение гормональными препаратами внутрь и наружно, не задумываясь о тяжелых последствиях такого "лечения", которое дает только видимое, сиюминутное улучшение.
Что может предложить Традиционная Медицина с позиций современных требований к Доказательствам?
Материалы будут только на английском языке, страждущие найдут время и средства для перевода.
Edzard Ernst: The Desktop Guide to Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Second Edition. 2006. p. 56-61.
Atopic eczema.
Atopic dermatitis, infantile eczema.
Atopic eczema (atopic dermatitis) is an inflammatory skin disease characterised by an itchy erythematous poorly demarcated skin eruption with a predilection for skin creases.
CAM usage.
A survey of German eczema patients reported homeopathy, acupuncture, dietary therapy, autogenic training and relaxation as the most frequently used forms of CAM [1].
Clinical evidence.
Autogenic training.
An RCT (n = 113) compared autogenic training (once weekly for 12 weeks) with cognitive–behavioural therapy, a dermatological education programme and standard medical care [2]. Results at one year follow-up indicated that autogenic training was as effective as the psychotherapy and superior to the educational programme and usual care in terms of skin condition and use of topical steroids.
Several RCTs [3-6] have investigated egg and cow’s milk exclusion diets, with two of them showing positive results, [3,6] including one on the effect of maternal antigen avoidance on breast-fed infants [6]. RCTs of prevention of eczema in high-risk infants by maternal antigen avoidance during pregnancy and lactation [7] have been systematically reviewed. Based on only three trials each, it was concluded that the risk of the child developing eczema was likely to be reduced by exclusion diets during lactation, but not during pregnancy.
A Cochrane review of five studies found no convincing evidence that feeding infants without clinical allergy/intolerance on an adapted soy milk formula instead of human milk would be of benefit in the prevention of atopic eczema [8].
Herbal medicine.
Three RCTs of borage (Borago officinalis) seed oil involving mostly adult patients have produced conflicting results (Table 2.9). [9–11]. A smaller crossover trial in children using gamma-linolenic acid from borage seeds reported a strong placebo response and no difference between the interventions [12] Collectively these data fail to demonstrate the effectiveness of borage oil.
Encouraging but not fully convincing were data also published for black seed (Nigella sativa) oil [13].
A meta-analysis of nine placebo-controlled trials of oil of evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) demonstrated a positive effect [14]. However, the results of subsequent RCTs do not tend to support this result (Table 2.10). [15–18].
Здесь должны быть интересные таблицы, которые я не сумел вставить, прошу умельцев мне помочь!
Table 2.9 Double-blind RCTs of borage oil for atopic eczema.
Table 2.10 Double-blind RCTs of evening primrose oil for atopic eczema.
A non-randomised trial (n = 161) of a topical preparation containing German chamomile (Matricaria recutita) suggested it may be as useful as hydrocortisone, but no statistical analysis was carried out [19]. A subsequent RCT reported slight superiority over hydrocortisone but little difference with placebo [20].
Topical preparations of liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) [21] and St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) [22] have also generated encouraging findings which require independent replication.
A systematic review of the Chinese herbal mixture Zemaphyte, [23] included only two RCTs from the same researchers who reported positive results for a herbal combination in both adults and children. A subsequent independent crossover RCT of the same preparation found it to be no different from placebo [24]. A Cochrane review of these three RCTs and an open label study concluded that this approach ‘may be effective’ [25].
A mixture of Eleutherococcus, Achillea millefolium and Lamium album did not generate any benefit over placebo in a small (n = 49) RCT with a 2-week treatment period [26].
An RCT including children (n = 31) compared the effects of hypnotherapy (four sessions over 8 weeks) with biofeedback (skin conductance) and an attention control condition where children discussed their eczema and kept a symptom diary [27]. After 5 months the hypnotherapy and biofeedback groups had improved more than the control group on severity of eczema, but not area of coverage.
A substantial body of evidence from RCTs suggests that probiotics are effective in the prevention and treatment of atopic eczema in infants and children [28–33].
A double-blind RCT of supplementation with selenium (alone and combined with Vitamin E) found no difference in severity of eczema compared with placebo [34]. More recently, an open, uncontrolled study found levels reduced in children with atopic eczema and suggested that selenium-supplementation generated positive clinical effects [35].
Zinc has been investigated in a double-blind RCT with children [36]. It was not superior to placebo in any outcome measure.
Other therapies.
A small sham-controlled RCT of autologous blood therapy showed a mild but positive effect on a symptom score in adults with atopic eczema [37].
Таблицы вставить не удалось.
Table 2.11 Summary of clinical evidence for atopic eczema
Table 2.11 (Continued) Summary of clinical evidence for atopic eczema.
A crossover trial with eight children receiving either massage with essential oils (aromatherapy) or massage alone found no difference in clinical signs of atopic eczema [38].
Overall recommendation.
There is no convincing evidence for the effectiveness of any complementary therapy in treating or preventing eczema. The therapies with the most encouraging evidence are autogenic training, biofeedback, hypnotherapy, some dietary approaches, and some supplements. They are considered relatively risk-free and may be worth considering as an adjunctive to effective conventional treatments.
Библиографию выложу позднее, т. к. её обработка и поиски ссылок требуют много времени.
Принимается бескорыстная помощь в виде переводов.

Вадим Асадулин 03-04-2011 02:51

Re: Вопросы врачу Вадиму Асадулину
1.Augustin M, Zschocke I, Buhrke U. Attitudes and prior experience with respect to alternative medicine among dermatological patients: the Freiburg questionnaire on attitudes to naturopathy (FAN). Forsch Komplementä rmed 1999;6:26–29. Universitäts-Hautklinik Freiburg. augustin@haut.ukl.uni-freiburg.de
OBJECTIVES: 1) Development and validation of a questionnaire on the attitudes and prior therapies with respect to naturopathy. 2) Clinical application in patients with atopic dermatitis in conventional and unconventional inhospital therapy.
METHODS: A questionnaire for patients with skin diseases was developed, which includes the following areas: 1. prior therapies (conventional, unconventional, and psychotherapeutic procedures), 2. attitudes to the procedures, 3. previous therapists, 4. sources of information about the disease. The questionnaire was validated on 1,288 inpatients and outpatients in three clinics. A comparison study using the questionnaire was performed with 73 inpatients with atopic dermatitis under conventional therapy and 59 inpatients under alternative-medical therapy.
RESULTS: The patients undergoing alternative-medical therapy reported significantly more prior experience in both conventional and unconventional procedures. The unconventional procedures were rated significantly higher by these patients, while the patients under conventional treatment rated several conventional procedures significantly higher. With respect to previous therapists, patients under unconventional treatment had been treated significantly more frequently by physicians oriented toward naturopathy and nonmedical practitioners. Prior information concerning the disease had been obtained significantly more frequently by the patients under alternative-medical treatment.
DISCUSSION: Patients with atopic dermatitis under conventional or alternative medical treatment differ widely from one another with respect to previous therapies and prior experience and attitudes to conventional and unconventional procedures. These selection effects must be taken into consideration when comparing various therapeutic approaches, e. g. in multicenter studies.
2. Ehlers A, Stangier U, Gieler U. Treatment of atopic dermatitis: a comparison of psychological and dermatological approaches to relapse prevention. J Consult Clin Psychol 1995;63:624–635. Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, Great Britain.
A randomized controlled trial compared the effectiveness of 4 group treatments for atopic dermatitis, a chronic skin disorder characterized by severe itching and eczema: dermatological educational program (DE), autogenic training as a form of relaxation therapy (AT), cognitive-behavioral treatment (BT), and the combined DE and BT treatments (DEBT). BT comprised relaxation, self-control of scratching, and stress management. Group treatments were also compared with standard medical care (SMC). Assessments at 1-year follow-up showed that the psychological treatments (AT, BT, and DEBT) led to significantly larger improvement in skin condition than intensive (DE) or standard (SMC) dermatological treatment, accompanied by significant reductions in topical steroids used. The results corroborate preliminary reports that psychological interventions are useful adjuncts to dermatological treatment in atopic dermatitis.

3. Lever R, MacDonald C, Waugh P, Aitchison T. Randomised controlled trial of advice on an egg exclusion diet in young children with atopic eczema and sensitivity to eggs. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 1998;9:13–19. Department of Dermatology, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
BACKGROUND: The role of exclusion diets in the management of atopic eczema in young children is uncertain. This randomised controlled trial evaluates the effect of excluding egg from the diet in young children with atopic eczema and sensitivity to eggs. Fifty-five such children were randomised either to a 4-week regimen, in which mothers were given general advice on care of eczema and additional specific advice from a dietician about an egg exclusion diet (diet group), or to a control group in which general advice only was given. Both groups continued conventional topical treatment. Disease activity was assessed by estimates of the surface area affected by eczema and by an arbitrary severity score. Possible egg sensitivity was identified by RAST before randomisation and after the trial by double-blind placebo-controlled egg challenge. RESULTS: The mean reduction in surface area affected by eczema was significantly greater (p = 0.02) in the group receiving dietary advice (from 19.6% to 10.9% area affected) than in the control group (from 21.9% to 18.9%). A significant improvement also occurred in severity score (p = 0.04): from 33.9 to 24.0 units for the diet group compared with a decrease from 36.7 to 33.5 in the control group. The study suggests that advice on the dietary exclusion of eggs is useful as part of the overall management of young children with atopic eczema and sensitivity to eggs.
4. Atherton D J, Sewall M, Soothill J F, Wells R S, Chilvers C E D. A double-blind controlled cross-over trial of an antigen-avoidance diet in atopic eczema. Lancet 1978;25:401–403.
20 out of 36 children (aged two to eight years) with atopic eczema completed a twelve-week, double-blind, controlled, crossover trial of an egg and cows' milk exclusion diet. During the first and third four-week periods, patients on an egg and cows' milk exclusion diet received a soya-based milk substitute (trial period) or an egg and cows' milk preparation (control period). Response was assessed in terms of eczema activity, number of areas affected, pruritus, sleeplessness, and antihistamine usage while on the two diets. During the middle period patients resumed their normal diet to minimise any carry-over effect. 14 patients responded more favourably to the antigen-avoidance diet than to the control diet, whereas only 1 responded more favourably to the control diet than the trial diet. Patients experienced more benefit during the first diet period than the second, whatever the nature of the diet. There was no correlation between a positive prick test to egg and cows' milk antigen and response to the trial diet.

5. Neild V S, Marsden R A, Bailes J A, Bland J M. Egg and milk exclusion diets in atopic eczema. Br J Dermatol 1986;114:117–123.
Fifty-three patients with atopic eczema took part in a double blind controlled cross-over trial of an egg and cow's milk exclusion diet. Response to the diet was assessed in terms of areas affected, day and night time itch, and topical steroid usage. Twenty-five percent of the patients failed to comply adequately with the trial regime and were excluded from the analysis. Of the remaining 40 patients, ten appeared to benefit from the diet and were advised to continue egg and milk avoidance. This response rate to the diet was not statistically significant.
6. Cant A J, Bailes J A, Marsden R A, Hewitt D. Effect of maternal dietary exclusion on breast fed infants with eczema: two controlled studies. BMJ Clin Res Ed 1986;293:231–233.
Thirty seven breast fed infants with eczema were studied to see whether changes in their mothers' diets affected their skin condition. Nineteen mothers and babies took part in a double blind crossover trial of exclusion of egg and cows' milk, and 18 took part in open exclusion of 11 foods followed by double blind challenge to those mothers whose infants seemed to respond. Babies were examined at the beginning and end of each dietary period, and the extent and severity of the rash were given a numerical score. The eczema improved in six infants when their mothers avoided egg and cows' milk and worsened again when these were reintroduced. Two infants suffered gastrointestinal reactions after maternal ingestion of egg and cows' milk, one developing colitis. Maternal dietary exclusion seems to benefit some breast fed babies with eczema.
7. Kramer M S, Kakuma R. Maternal dietary antigen avoidance during pregnancy and/or lactation for preventing or treating atopic disease in the child. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2003, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD000133. McGill University, Faculty of Medicine, 1020 Pine Avenue West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 1A2. michael.kramer@mcgill.ca
Update in:
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006;3:CD000133.
Update of:
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2000;(2):CD000133.
BACKGROUND: Some breastfed infants with atopic eczema benefit from elimination of cow milk, egg, or other antigens from their mother's diet. Maternal dietary antigens are also known to cross the placenta.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the effects of prescribing an antigen avoidance diet during pregnancy and/or lactation on maternal and infant nutrition and on the prevention or treatment of atopic disease in the child.
SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group trials register (October 2002) and contacted researchers in the field.
SELECTION CRITERIA: All randomized or quasi-randomized comparisons of maternal dietary antigen avoidance prescribed to pregnant or lactating women. We excluded trials of multimodal interventions that included manipulation of the infant's diet other than breast milk or of nondietary aspects of the infant's environment.
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We extracted data from published reports, supplemented by additional information received from the trialists we contacted.
MAIN RESULTS: The evidence from 4 trials involving approximately 451 participants does not suggest a protective effect of maternal dietary antigen avoidance during pregnancy on the incidence of atopic eczema during the first 12 to 18 months of life. Data on allergic rhinitis/conjunctivitis and urticaria are limited to a single trial each and are insufficient to draw meaningful inferences. Longer-term atopic outcomes have not been reported. The restricted diet during pregnancy was associated with a slightly but statistically significantly lower mean gestational weight gain, a nonsignificantly higher risk of preterm birth, and a nonsignificant reduction in mean birthweight.The evidence from 3 trials involving approximately 210 participants suggests a protective effect of maternal antigen avoidance during lactation on the incidence and severity of atopic eczema during the first 12 to 18 months, but methodologic shortcomings argue for caution in interpretation.One crossover trial involving 17 lactating mothers of infants with established atopic eczema found that maternal dietary antigen avoidance was associated with a nonsignificant reduction in eczema severity.
REVIEWER'S CONCLUSIONS: Prescription of an antigen avoidance diet to a high-risk woman during pregnancy is unlikely to reduce substantially her child's risk of atopic diseases, and such a diet may adversely affect maternal and/or fetal nutrition. Prescription of an antigen avoidance diet to a high-risk woman during lactation may reduce her child's risk of developing atopic eczema, but better trials are needed. Dietary antigen avoidance by lactating mothers of infants with atopic eczema may reduce the severity of the eczema, but larger trials are needed.
Есть и продолжение этого исследования, не указанное в библиографии.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006 Jul 19;3:CD000133.
Maternal dietary antigen avoidance during pregnancy or lactation, or both, for preventing or treating atopic disease in the child.
Kramer MS, Kakuma R.
McGill University, Faculty of Medicine, 1020 Pine Avenue West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 1A2. michael.kramer@mcgill.ca
Update of:
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2003;(4):CD000133.
BACKGROUND: Some breastfed infants with atopic eczema benefit from elimination of cow milk, egg, or other antigens from their mother's diet. Maternal dietary antigens are also known to cross the placenta.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the effects of prescribing an antigen avoidance diet during pregnancy or lactation, or both, on maternal and infant nutrition and on the prevention or treatment of atopic disease in the child.
SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group's Trials Register (March 2006) and contacted researchers in the field.
SELECTION CRITERIA: All randomized or quasi-randomized comparisons of maternal dietary antigen avoidance prescribed to pregnant or lactating women. We excluded trials of multimodal interventions that included manipulation of the infant's diet other than breast milk or of nondietary aspects of the infant's environment.
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We extracted data from published reports, supplemented by additional information received from the trialists we contacted.
MAIN RESULTS: The evidence from four trials, involving 334 participants, does not suggest a protective effect of maternal dietary antigen avoidance during pregnancy on the incidence of atopic eczema during the first 18 months of life. Data on allergic rhinitis or conjunctivitis, or both, and urticaria are limited to a single trial each and are insufficient to draw meaningful inferences. Longer-term atopic outcomes have not been reported. The restricted diet during pregnancy was associated with a slightly but statistically significantly lower mean gestational weight gain, a nonsignificantly higher risk of preterm birth, and a nonsignificant reduction in mean birthweight.The evidence from one trial, involving 26 participants, did not observe a significant protective effect of maternal antigen avoidance during lactation on the incidence of atopic eczema during the first 18 months.One crossover trial involving 17 lactating mothers of infants with established atopic eczema found that maternal dietary antigen avoidance was associated with a nonsignificant reduction in eczema severity.
AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Prescription of an antigen avoidance diet to a high-risk woman during pregnancy is unlikely to reduce substantially her child's risk of atopic diseases, and such a diet may adversely affect maternal or fetal nutrition, or both. Prescription of an antigen avoidance diet to a high-risk woman during lactation may reduce her child's risk of developing atopic eczema, but better trials are needed. Dietary antigen avoidance by lactating mothers of infants with atopic eczema may reduce the severity of the eczema, but larger trials are needed.
8. Osborn D A, Sinn J. Soy formula for prevention of allergy and food intolerance in infants. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2004, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD003741.
Update in:
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006;(4):CD003741.
BACKGROUND: Allergies and food reactions in infants and children are common and may be associated with foods including adapted cow's milk formulas. Soy based formulas have been used to treat infants with allergy or food intolerance. However, it is unclear whether they can be advocated for the prevention of allergy and food intolerance in infants without clinical evidence of allergy or food intolerance.
OBJECTIVES: In infants without clinical evidence of allergy or food intolerance, to determine whether feeding them an adapted soy formula compared to human milk, cow's milk formula or a hydrolysed protein formula prevents allergy or food intolerance.
SEARCH STRATEGY: The standard search strategy of the Cochrane Neonatal Review Group was used including searches of the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL, The Cochrane Library, Issue 4, 2003), MEDLINE (1966 - January 2004), EMBASE (1980 - January 2004), CINAHL (1982 - December 2003) and previous reviews including cross references.
SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised and quasi-randomised trials that compare the use of an adapted soy formula to human milk, an adapted cow's milk or a hydrolysed protein formula for infant feeding in the first 6 months. Only trials with > 80% follow up of participants and reported in group of assignment were eligible for inclusion.
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Eligibility of studies for inclusion, methodological quality and data extraction were assessed independently by each reviewer. Primary outcomes included clinical allergy, specific allergies and food intolerance. Meta-analysis was conducted using a fixed effects model where no heterogeneity of treatment effect existed, and a random effects model when heterogeneity was found.
MAIN RESULTS: Five eligible studies were found, all enrolling infants at high risk of allergy on the basis of a family history of allergy in a first degree relative. All studies compared use of a soy to a cow's milk formula. Two studies also included a group fed a formula containing hydrolysed protein. No eligible study enrolled infants fed human milk. No study examined the effect of early, short term soy formula feeding. Three studies were of good methodology and did not have unbalanced allergy-preventing co-interventions in the treatment groups. Comparing soy to cow's milk formula, one study with unclear allocation concealment and 19.5% losses to follow up reported a reduction in cumulative incidence of childhood allergy, asthma and allergic rhinitis. No other study reported a significant benefit for any allergy or food intolerance. Analysis found no significant difference in allergy cumulative incidence in infancy (one study: RR 1.02, 95% CI 0.69, 1.49) or childhood (3 studies: typical RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.37, 1.44) and no significant difference in cumulative incidence or period prevalence of any specific allergy or food intolerance in infancy or childhood. Analysis of studies comparing soy to a hydrolysed formula found a significant increase in infant (one study: RR 1.67, 95% CI 1.03, 2.69) and childhood allergy cumulative incidence (one study: RR 1.55, 95% CI 1.02, 2.35), infant eczema cumulative incidence (2 studies: typical RR 2.34, 95% CI 1.51, 3.62) and childhood food allergy period prevalence (one study: RR 1.81, 95% CI 1.09, 3.02).
REVIEWERS' CONCLUSIONS: Feeding with a soy formula should not be recommended for the prevention of allergy or food intolerance in infants at high risk of allergy or food intolerance.
Есть и продолжение этого исследования, не указанное в библиографии.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006 Oct 18;(4):CD003741.
Soy formula for prevention of allergy and food intolerance in infants.
Osborn DA, Sinn J.
Westmead Hospital, Neonatal Unit, Hawkesbury Road, Westmead, New South Wales, Australia.
Update of:
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004;(3):CD003741.
BACKGROUND: Allergies and food reactions in infants and children are common and may be associated with a variety of foods including adapted cow's milk formula. Soy based formulas have been used to treat infants with allergy or food intolerance. However, it is unclear whether they can help prevent allergy and food intolerance in infants without clinical evidence of allergy or food intolerance.
OBJECTIVES: To determine the effect of feeding adapted soy formula compared to human milk, cow's milk formula or a hydrolysed protein formula on preventing allergy or food intolerance in infants without clinical evidence of allergy or food intolerance.
SEARCH STRATEGY: The standard search strategy of the Cochrane Neonatal Review Group was used. Updated searches were performed of the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL, The Cochrane Library, Issue 1, 2006), MEDLINE (1966-March 2006), EMBASE (1980-March 2006), CINAHL (1982-March 2006) and previous reviews including cross references.
SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised and quasi-randomised trials that compare the use of an adapted soy formula to human milk, an adapted cow's milk or a hydrolysed protein formula for feeding infants without clinical allergy or food intolerance in the first six months of life. Only trials with > 80% follow up of participants and reported in group of assignment were eligible for inclusion.
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Eligibility of studies for inclusion, methodological quality and data extraction were assessed independently by each review author. Primary outcomes included clinical allergy, specific allergies and food intolerance. Where no heterogeneity of treatment effect was found, the fixed effect model was used for meta-analysis. Where significant or apparent heterogeneity was found, results were reported using the random effects model and potential causes of the heterogeneity were sought.
MAIN RESULTS: Three eligible studies enrolling high risk infants with a history of allergy in a first degree relative were included. No eligible study enrolled infants fed human milk. No study examined the effect of early, short term soy formula feeding. All compared prolonged soy formula to cow's milk formula feeding. One study was of adequate methodology and without unbalanced allergy preventing co-interventions in treatment groups. One study with unclear allocation concealment and 19.5% losses reported a significant reduction in infant allergy, asthma and allergic rhinitis. However, no other study reported any significant benefits from the use of a soy formula. Meta-analysis found no significant difference in childhood allergy incidence (2 studies; typical RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.37, 1.44). No significant difference was reported in one study in infant asthma (RR 1.10, 95% CI 0.86, 1.40), infant eczema (RR 1.20, 95% CI 0.95, 1.52), childhood eczema prevalence (RR 1.10, 95% CI 0.73, 1.68), infant rhinitis (RR 0.94, 95% CI 0.76, 1.16) or childhood rhinitis prevalence (RR 1.20, 95% CI 0.73, 2.00). Meta-analysis found no significant difference in childhood asthma incidence (3 studies, 728 infants; typical RR 0.71, 95% CI 0.26, 1.92), childhood eczema incidence (2 studies, 283 infants; typical RR 1.57, 95% CI 0.90, 2.75) or childhood rhinitis incidence (2 studies, 283 infants; typical RR 0.69, 95% CI 0.06, 8.00). One study reported no significant difference in infant CMPI (RR 1.09, 95% CI 0.45, 2.62), infant CMA (RR 1.09, 95% CI 0.24, 4.86), childhood soy protein allergy incidence (RR 3.26, 95% CI 0.36, 29.17) and urticaria. No study compared soy formula to hydrolysed protein formula.
AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Feeding with a soy formula cannot be recommended for prevention of allergy or food intolerance in infants at high risk of allergy or food intolerance. Further research may be warranted to determine the role of soy formulas for prevention of allergy or food intolerance in infants unable to be breast fed with a strong family history of allergy or cow's milk protein intolerance.

Вадим Асадулин 03-04-2011 04:18

Re: Вопросы врачу Вадиму Асадулину
9. Baslau M, Thaci D. Atopic dermatitis: borage oil for systemic therapy. Zeitschr Dermatol 1996;182:131–136.
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Kinderarztl Prax. 1992 Oct;60(7):199-202. [Treatment of atopic dermatitis with borage seed oil (Glandol) – a time series analytic study]. [Article in German]. Bahmer FA, Schäfer J. Hautklinik der Universität des Saarlandes.
The therapy of atopic dermatitis with highly unsaturated fatty acids has witnessed a renaissance in the last years. Therefore, a study was conducted with borage oil (Glandol), rich in highly unsaturated, so-called omega fatty acids, against palm seed oil as placebo in a total of 12 patients. Evaluation of the severity of the skin changes was done by means of the ADASI (Atopic Dermatitis Area and Severity Index)-score system described by us recently. The ADASI-scores, forming a time series, were analyzed by trend analysis methods. These methods allow an evaluation of the effectiveness of the therapy in each case. The analysis revealed that five out of seven patients treated with borage oil showed a favourable effect with regard to the skin changes assessed by the ADASI-score. In contrast, only one out of the five patients treated with placebo showed a significant improvement in skin changes. In view of the positive effect ob borage oil in patients with atopic dermatitis, a trial therapy for a certain period seems justified. Our study demonstrates both the value of our ADASI-scoring system as well as the advantages that time series or trend analysis methods might have for the evaluation of therapeutic effects in chronic skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis.
Systematic review of treatments for atopic eczema. Health Technology Assessment 2000; Vol. 4: No. 37.
Summary of complementary therapies Chinese herbs:
• Two studies of Chinese herbal treatment conducted in children and adults by the same research team found significant benefits compared with placebo.
• Two further RCTs conducted by independent groups failed to demonstrate any clear clinical benefit.
• Further larger and long-term RCTs of Chinese herbal treatment seem worthwhile.
• One unblinded study of hypnotherapy and biofeedback suggests a benefit in terms of surface damage and lichenification but not erythema.
• One small study of massage with and without essential oils plus counselling has suggested benefits of counselling and tactile contact but no benefit from addition of essential oils.
Massage therapy:
• One small study of massage therapy in addition to standard care in children has suggested benefit in terms of reduced anxiety and better coping skills.
http://www.hta.ac.uk/fullmono/mon437.pdf 10.
10. Henz B M, Jablonska S, van de Kerkhof P C M, Stingl G, Blaszczyk M, Vandervalk P G, Veenhuizen R, Muggli R, Raederstorff D. Double-blind, multicentre analysis of the efficacy of borage oil in patients with atopic eczema. Br J Dermatol 1999;140:685–688. Department of Dermatology, Virchow Clinic, Free University Berlin, Augustenburgerplatz 1, 13344 Berlin, Germany.
Comment in:
Br J Dermatol. 2000 Jul;143(1):200-1.
Although gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) has been shown to correct deficiencies in skin lipids associated with reduced delta-6-desaturase activity which should result in improvement of dysregulation of inflammation and immunity in atopic eczema, clinical studies with evening primrose oil containing 10% GLA have yielded contradictory results. We have therefore examined the effect of a higher percentage (at least 23%) GLA-containing borage oil in adults with stable atopic eczema of moderate severity in a double-blind, multicentre study. One hundred and sixty patients were randomized to take daily either 500 mg of borage oil-containing capsules or the bland lipid miglyol as a placebo over a 24-week period. Use of topical diflucortolone-21-valerate cream was allowed as rescue medication, with the amount used until response being defined as primary, and clinical improvement as secondary efficacy criteria. Although several clinical symptoms improved compared with placebo, the overall response to borage oil did not reach statistical significance. Significant differences in favour of borage oil were, however, observed in a subgroup excluding patients who failed to show increased erythrocyte dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid levels and in whom adherence to inclusion criteria and the study protocol were questionable. GLA metabolites increased in borage oil-treated patients only, and serum IgE showed a trend to decrease on overall and subgroup analysis. No substance-related adverse effects were observed. This study shows no overall efficacy of GLA-containing borage oil in atopic eczema, with steroid use being the primary response parameter, although it suggests that a subgroup of patients may benefit from this well-tolerated treatment.
11. Takwale A, Tan E, Agarwal S, Barclay G, Ahmed I, Hotchkiss K, Thompson J R, Chapman T, Berth-Jones J. Efficacy and tolerability of borage oil in adults and children with atopic eczema: randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled, parallel group trial. BMJ 2003;327:1385. Department of Dermatology, George Eliot Hospital, Nuneaton CV10 7DJ.
Comment in:
BMJ. 2003 Dec 13;327(7428):1358-9.
OBJECTIVE: To study the efficacy and tolerability of borage oil, which contains a high concentration of gamma linolenic acid, in children and adults with atopic eczema.
DESIGN: Single centre, randomised, double blind, placebo controlled, parallel group trial.
SETTING: Acute district general hospital in Nuneaton, England.
PARTICIPANTS: 151 patients, of whom 11 failed to return for assessment, leaving an evaluable population of 140 (including 69 children).
INTERVENTION: Adults received four capsules of borage oil twice daily (920 mg gamma linolenic acid), and children received two capsules twice daily, for 12 weeks.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Change in total sign score at 12 weeks measured with the six area, six sign, atopic dermatitis (SASSAD) score (primary endpoint); symptom scores, assessed on visual analogue scales; topical corticosteroid requirement, assessed on a five point scale; global assessment of response by participants; adverse events and tolerability.
RESULTS: The mean SASSAD score fell from 30 to 27 in the borage oil group and from 28 to 23 in the placebo group. The difference between the mean improvements in the two groups was 1.4 (95% confidence interval -2.2 to 5.0) points in favour of placebo (P = 0.45). No significant differences occurred between treatment groups in the other assessments. Subset analysis of adults and children did not indicate any difference in response. The treatments were well tolerated.
CONCLUSION: Gamma linolenic acid is not beneficial in atopic dermatitis.

Вадим Асадулин 03-04-2011 06:08

Re: Вопросы врачу Вадиму Асадулину
12. Borreck S, Hildebrandt A, Forster J. Borage seed oil and atopic dermatitis. Klinische Pä diatrie 1997;209:100–104. Klin Padiatr. 1997 May-Jun;209(3):100-4. [Gamma-linolenic-acid-rich borage seed oil capsules in children with atopic dermatitis. A placebo-controlled double-blind study]. [Article in German]. Kinderklinik, Kreiskrankenhaus Lörrach.
We investigated the effect of gamma-linolenic-acid from borage seed on atopic dermatitis of children. In a placebo-controlled, double-blind manner we studied 24 patients, 3-17 years old. Every patient received 360 mg of gamma-linolenic acid daily, independent from sex and age; the same amount of corn seed-oil served as placebo. After 10 to 14 weeks of treatment there was no improvement of the eczema in the verum phase compared to placebo. Both groups showed improvement while taking placebo. This result could be seen in the objective investigations (Costa-Score, 3 times per treatment period) as well as in the daily patients documentation. The patients whose eczema has improved under borage seed-oil (n = 10) had no special characteristics, so that we could not identify any responder-type.
Borago officinalis.
13. Kalus U, Pruss A, Bystron J, Jurecka M, Smekalova A, Lichius J J, Kiesewetter H. Effect of Nigella sativa (black seed) on subjective feeling in patients with allergic diseases. Phytother Res 2003;17:1209–1214. Humboldt University, Berlin, School of Medicine, Institute for Transfusion Medicine, Charité University Hospital, Berlin, Germany.
Nigella sativa (black seed) is an important medicinal herb. In many Arabian, Asian and African countries, black seed oil is used as a natural remedy for a wide range of diseases, including various allergies. The plant's mechanism of action is still largely unknown. Due to the lack of study data on its efficacy in allergies, four studies on the clinical efficacy of Nigella sativa in allergic diseases are presented. In these studies, a total of 152 patients with allergic diseases (allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, atopic eczema) were treated with Nigella sativa oil, given in capsules at a dose of 40 to 80 mg/kg/day. The patients scored the subjective severity of target symptoms using a predefined scale. The following laboratory parameters were investigated: IgE, eosinophil count, endogenous cortisol in plasma and urine, ACTH, triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol and lymphocyte subpopulations. The score of subjective feeling decreased over the course of treatment with black seed oil in all four studies. A slight decrease in plasma triglycerides and a discrete increase in HDL cholesterol occurred while the lymphocyte subpopulations, endogenous cortisol levels and ACTH release remained unchanged. Black seed oil therefore proved to be an effective adjuvant for the treatment of allergic diseases.
Nigella sativa.
14. Morse P F, Horrobin D F, Manku M S. Meta-analysis of placebo-controlled studies of the efficacy of Epogam in the treatment of atopic eczema. Relationship between plasma essential fatty acid changes and clinical response. Br J Dermatol 1989;121:75–90. Efamol Research Institute, Woodbridge Meadows, Guildford, U.K.
Gamma-linolenic acid in the form of a particular variety of evening primrose oil (Epogam) has been reported of value in the treatment of atopic eczema. Nine controlled trials of evening primrose oil were performed in eight centres. Four of the trials were parallel and five cross-over. Doctors and patients assessed the severity of eczema by scoring measures of inflammation, dryness, scaliness, pruritus and overall skin involvement. Individual symptom scores were combined to give a single global score at each assessment point. In the analysis of the parallel studies, both patient and doctor scores showed a highly significant improvement over baseline (P less than 0.0001) due to Epogam: for both scores the effect of Epogam was significantly better than placebo. Similar results were obtained on analysis of the cross-over trials, but in this case the difference between Epogam and placebo in the doctors' global score, although in favour of Epogam, failed to reach significance. The effects on itch were particularly striking. There was no placebo response to this symptom, whereas there was a substantial and highly significant response to Epogam (P less than 0.0001). When the improvements, or otherwise, in clinical condition were related to changes in plasma levels of dihomogammalinolenic and arachidoni acids, it was found that there was a positive correlation between an improvement in clinical score and a rise in the fatty acid levels.
Oenothera biennis.

Вадим Асадулин 03-04-2011 07:39

Re: Вопросы врачу Вадиму Асадулину
15. Berth-Jones J, Graham-Brown R A. Placebo-controlled trial of essential fatty acid supplementation in atopic dermatitis. Lancet 1993;341:1557–1560. Erratum in: Lancet 1993 Aug 28;342(8870):564. Department of Dermatology, Leicester Royal Infirmary, UK.
Comment in:
Lancet. 1993 Aug 7;342(8867):377-8.
Treatment of atopic dermatitis with essential fatty acids remains controversial. A double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study was done to investigate the response of patients with atopic dermatitis to essential fatty acid supplements. Patients with atopic dermatitis were randomised to receive evening primrose oil, evening primrose oil and fish oil, or placebo for 16 weeks. Disease activity was monitored by clinical severity scores recorded by the investigator, topical steroid requirement, and symptom scores recorded by subjects. Of 123 subjects recruited, 102 completed the treatment period. No improvement with active treatment was demonstrated. Our study, which avoided the methodological and analytical problems of previous studies, found no effect of essential fatty acid supplementation in atopic dermatitis.
16. Biagi P L, Bordoni A, Hrelia S, Celadon M, Ricci G P, Cannella V, Patrizi A, Specchia F, Masi M. The effect of gamma-linolenic acid on clinical status, red cell fatty acid composition and membrane microviscosity in infants with atopic dermatitis. Drugs Exp Clin Res 1994;20:77–84. Department of Biochemistry G. Moruzzi, University of Bologna, Italy.
A double blind placebo-controlled study of two doses of gamma-linolenic acid, provided by evening primrose oil (EPO, Epogam, Searle, U.K.), in children with atopic dermatitis was performed: 1) to examine the effect of gamma-linolenic acid administration on the clinical status of children with atopic dermatitis and abnormalities of IgE-mediated immune responses compared to those without such IgE abnormalities; 2) to investigate the effect of gamma-linolenic acid on red cell fatty acid composition and 3) to assess whether treatment with gamma-linolenic acid induced changes in red cell membrane microviscosity. A significant improvement in the overall severity of the clinical condition was seen in children treated with gamma-linolenic acid, independent of whether the children had manifestations of IgE-mediated allergy. Furthermore, gamma-linolenic acid treatment increased the percentage content of n-6 fatty acids in erythrocyte cell membrane; this increase was more marked in the membranes of children treated with high doses of EPO. In the high dose group a significant increase in dihomogamma-linolenic acid (DGLA) occurred. This may be of particular relevance because of the potential importance of DGLA as a precursor of antiinflammatory prostanoids. Red cell membrane microviscosity did not change in any group after treatment with EPO, even in high doses, despite a significant increase in the proportion of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids.
17. Whitaker D K, Cilliers J, de Beer C. Evening primrose oil (Epogam) in the treatment of chronic hand dermatitis: disappointing therapeutic results. Dermatology 1996;193:115–120. Department of Dermatology, University of Stellenbosch, Tygerberg, Republic of South Africa.
BACKGROUND: Hand dermatitis is a common therapeutic challenge with limited and unsatisfactory therapy modules. A possible beneficial role of oral evening primrose oil needs to be investigated.
OBJECTIVE: Pharmacological doses of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) could improve the water permeability barrier of the epidermis in chronic hand dermatitis. Clinical improvement, changes in the lipogram and epidermal lipid composition could define functional improvement of the skin. Electron-microscopic evaluation of the epidermal lipid bilayer could underline the efficacy of essential fatty acids in chronic hand dermatitis.
METHODS: Thirty-nine patients with chronic (> 1 year), stable hand dermatitis entered a 24-week double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Patch test with the European standard of allergens, haematogram and serum IgE values were determined before commencement of the study. Active therapy (600 mg/day of GLA) was administered to half the patient group. Medication was given for 16 weeks and observations continued for another 8 weeks. Patients were assessed clinically, using a visual analogue scale at 4-week intervals. Plasma and red blood cell lipograms, as well as skin biopsies, were taken before therapy, after the 16-week supplementation period and at week 24. Tissue was used for histological evaluation, electron-microscopic assessment and epidermal lipid analysis.
RESULTS: Improvement in clinical parameters was present in the Epogam and placebo groups, but no statistical difference could be confirmed between the groups. Haematogram, blood and epidermal biochemistry were normal at baseline. No change in the lipid composition of plasma red cells or epidermis could be detected during the trail. Ultrastructurally skin specimens showed no change during the study period.
CONCLUSION: The study indicates that the therapeutic value of orally administered GLA for chronic hand dermatitis is not superior to that of placebo.
18. Hederos C A, Berg A. Epogam evening primrose oil treatment in atopic dermatitis and asthma. Arch Dis Child 1996;75:494–497. Paediatric Clinic, Health Centre, Gripen, Karlstad, Sweden.
Essential fatty acids are claimed to have positive effects in atopic diseases. In a double blind, placebo controlled, parallel group study 58 out of 60 children, with atopic dermatitis and the need for regular treatment with topical skin steroids, completed a 16 weeks' treatment period with either Epogam evening primrose oil or placebo capsules. Twenty two of these subjects also had asthma. The parents used diaries to record symptom scores and concomitant medication. Peak expiratory flow was measured and disease activity was monitored by the clinician every four weeks. The plasma concentrations of essential fatty acids increased significantly in the group treated with Epogam capsules. The study demonstrated significant improvements of the eczema symptoms but no significant difference was found between the placebo and the Epogam groups. No therapeutic effect was shown on asthma symptoms or fidget.
19. Aertgeerts P, Albring M, Klaschka F, Nasemann T, Patzelt-Wenczler R, Rauhut K, Weigl B. Comparative testing of Kamillosan cream and steroidal (0.25% hydrocortisone, 0.75% fluocortin butyl ester) and non-steroidal (5% bufexamac) dermatologic agents in maintenance therapy of eczematous diseases. Zeitschr für Hautkrankheiten 1985;60:270–277. [Article in German].
We report on 161 patients suffering from inflammatory dermatoses on hands, forearms, and lower legs who had been initially treated with 0.1% difluocortolone valerate. During the maintenance therapy carried out over a period of 3 to 4 weeks, we tested the efficacy of Kamillosan cream vs. 0.25% hydrocortisone, 0.75% fluocortin butyl ester, and 5% bufexamac in a bilateral comparative study. For the indications tested Kamillosan cream showed more or less equieffective therapeutic results as compared to 0.25% hydrocortisone. It is superior, however, to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent 5% bufexamac as well as to 0.75% fluocortin butyl ester, a further glucocorticoid. With regard to neurodermitis, Kamillosan cream not only shows the same therapeutic effect as 0.25% hydrocortisone but is even of marked superiority towards other reference products.
20. Patzelt-Wenczler R, Ponce-Pöschl E. Proof of efficacy of Kamillosan cream in atopic eczema. Eur J Med Res 2000;5:171–175. ASTA Medica AG, Weismüllerstr. 45, D-60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Dr_Jeannette.Simon@astamedica.de
Kamillosan(R) cream contains chamomile extract as active principle manufactured from the chamomile sort Manzana which is rich in active principles and has been proved not to exhibit a chamomile-related allergen potential. For this reason Kamillosan(R) cream is suited for local therapy of atopic eczema. In a partially double-blind, randomized study carried out as a half-side comparison, Kamillosan(R) cream was tested vs. 0.5% hydrocortisone cream and the vehicle cream as placebo in patients suffering from medium-degree atopic eczema. After a 2-week treatment Kamillosan(R) cream showed a mild superiority towards 0.5% hydrocortisone and a marginal difference as compared to placebo.

Вадим Асадулин 03-04-2011 10:44

Re: Вопросы врачу Вадиму Асадулину
21. Saeedi M, Morteza-Semnani K, Ghoreishi M R. The treatment of atopic dermatitis with licorice gel. J Dermatolog Treat 2003;14:153–157. Department of Pharmaceutics, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran. saeedi_m_2001@yahoo.co.com
Glycyrrhiza glabra L. has been used in herbal medicine for skin eruptions, including dermatitis, eczema, pruritus and cysts. The effect of licorice extract as topical preparation was evaluated on atopic dermatitis. The plant was collected and extracted by percolation with suitable solvent. The extract was standardized, based on Glycyrrhizinic acid by using a titrimetry method. Different topical gels were formulated by using different co-solvents. After standardizing of topical preparations, the best formulations (1% and 2%) were studied in a double-blind clinical trial in comparison with base gel on atopic dermatitis over two weeks (30 patients in each group). Propylene glycol was the best co-solvent for the extract and Carbopol 940 as gelling agent showed the best results in final formulations. The quantity of glycyrrhizinic acid was determined 20.3% in the extract and 19.6% in the topical preparation. Two percent licorice topical gel was more effective than 1% in reducing the scores for erythema, oedema and itching over two weeks (p<0.05). The results showed that licorice extract could be considered as an effective agent for treatment of atopic dermatitis.
22. Schempp C M, Windeck T, Hezel S, Simon J C. Topical treatment of atopic dermatitis with St John’s wort cream – a randomized, placebo controlled, double blind half-side comparison. Phytomedicine 2003;10:31–37. Freiburg University Clinic, Department of Dermatology, Freiburg, Germany. schempp@haut.ukl.uni-freiburg.de
BACKGROUND: Recent investigations suggest an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect of hyperforin, which is a major constituent of Hypericum perforatum L. (Saint John's wort).
OBJECTIVE: In the present half-side comparison study we assessed the efficacy of a cream containing Hypericum: extract standardised to 1.5% hyperforin (verum) in comparison to the corresponding vehicle (placebo) for the treatment of subacute Atopic Dermatitis. The study design was a prospective randomised placebo-controlled double-blind monocentric study.
METHODS: In twenty one patients suffering from mild to moderate Atopic Dermatitis (mean SCORAD 44.5) the treatment with verum or placebo was randomly allocated to the left or right site of the body, respectively. The patients were treated twice daily over a period of four weeks. Eighteen patients completed the study. The severity of the skin lesions on the left and right site was determined by means of a modified SCORAD-index (primary endpoint).
RESULTS: The intensity of the eczematous lesions improved on both sites of treatment. However, the hypericum-cream was significantly superior to the vehicle at all clinical visits (days 7, 14, 28) (p < 0.05). Skin colonisation with Staphylococcus aureus was reduced by both verum and placebo, showing a trend to better antibacterial activity of the hypericum-cream (p = 0.064). Skin tolerance and cosmetic acceptability was good or excellent with both the hypericum-cream and the vehicle (secondary endpoints).
CONCLUSION: Taken together, the present study shows a significant superiority of the hypericum-cream compared to the vehicle in the topical treatment of mild to moderate Atopic Dermatitis. The therapeutic efficacy of the hypericum-cream, however, has to be evaluated in further studies with larger patient cohorts, in comparison to therapeutic standards (i.e. glucocorticoids).

Hypericum perforatum.
23. Armstrong N C, Ernst E. The treatment of eczema with Chinese herbs: a systematic review of randomised clinical trials. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1999;48:262–264. Department of Complementary Medicine, School of Postgraduate Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Exeter, 25 Victoria Park Road, Exeter EX2 4NT.
AIMS: Chinese herbal treatments are being promoted as a treatment for eczema. The aim of this study was to systematically review the evidence for or against this notion.
METHODS: Extensive literature searches were carried out to identify all randomised clinical trials on the subject. Data were extracted from these in a predefined standardized fashion.
RESULTS: Only two randomized clinical trials were located. Both imply that a complex mixture of Chinese herbs is more effective than placebo in treating eczema. Yet several caveats exist, most importantly the lack of independent replication. Adverse effects have also been reported.
CONCLUSIONS: At present it is unclear whether Chinese herbal treatments of eczema do more good than harm.
24. Fung A Y, Look P C, Chong L Y, But P P, Wong E. A controlled trial of traditional Chinese herbal medicine in Chinese patients with recalcitrant atopic dermatitis. Int J Dermatol 1999;38:387–392. Department of Health, the Chinese Medicinal Material Research Center, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
BACKGROUND: There have been published reports from the United Kingdom of good responses to the use of traditional Chinese herbal medicine (Zemaphyte, Phytopharm Plc, Cambridge, UK) in treating recalcitrant atopic dermatitis. We conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study among Chinese patients with recalcitrant atopic dermatitis using this same herbal preparation.
METHODS: Forty patients were recruited. They were given Zemaphyte and placebo in random order, each for 8 consecutive weeks with a 4-week wash-out period in between. Scores based on the severity and extent of four clinical parameters (erythema, surface damage, lichenification and scaling) were recorded at baseline and at 4-weekly intervals throughout the 20-week trial period.
RESULTS: Thirty-seven patients completed the trial. There was a general trend of clinical improvement with time throughout the trial period in both patient groups, irrespective of whether they received Zemaphyte or placebo first. Zemaphyte, however, offered no statistically significant treatment effect over placebo for all four clinical parameters, except for lichenification at week 4. There were no significant carry-over effects. Blood tests for hematologic, renal and liver functions were all normal throughout the trial.
CONCLUSIONS: Zemaphyte did not seem to benefit Chinese patients with recalcitrant atopic dermatitis in our study. Further research is required to evaluate its efficacy.
25. Zhang W, Leonard T, Bath-Hexall F, Chambers C A, Lee C, Humphreys R, Williams H C. Chinese herbal medicine for atopic eczema. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2005, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD002291. Academic Rheumatology, University of Nottingham, Clinical Sciences Building, City Hospital, Nottingham, England, UK, NG5 1PB. Weiya.Zhang@nottingham.ac.uk
Update of:
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004;(4):CD002291.
BACKGROUND: Traditional Chinese herbal mixtures have been used to treat atopic eczema for many years. Their efficacy has attracted public attention and recently some clinical trials have been undertaken.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the effects of Chinese herbal mixtures in the treatment of atopic eczema.
SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (January 2004), the Cochrane Skin Group Specialised Register (January 2004), MEDLINE (1966 to January 2004), EMBASE (1980 to January 2004), CINHL (1980 to January 2004) and a number of complementary medicine databases. In addition, the cited references of all trials identified and key review articles were searched. Pharmaceutical companies involved in oral traditional Chinese herbs and experts in the field were contacted.
SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised controlled trials of Chinese herbal mixtures used in the treatment of atopic eczema.
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two reviewers independently applied eligibility criteria, assessed the quality of the trials and extracted data. Any discrepancies were discussed to achieve consensus.
MAIN RESULTS: Four randomised controlled trials, with eight weeks for each phase, met the inclusion criteria. The trials randomised 159 participants aged from 1 to 60 years. The withdrawal rates ranged from 7.5% to 22.5% and no trial used intention to treat analysis. Three trials were randomised placebo controlled, two-phase cross-over designs assessing the same Chinese herbal mixture, Zemaphyte. In two of these three trials the reduction in erythema and surface damage was greater on Zemaphyte than on placebo, and participants slept better and expressed a preference for Zemaphyte. One trial also reported that participants itched less. The fourth trial was an open-label design comparing Zemaphyte in herbal form with Zemaphyte as a freeze dried preparation. There was a reduction in erythema and surface damage with both formulations, but no comparison between the two formulations was reported. Some adverse effects were reported in all four trials, but none were regarded as serious.
AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Chinese herbal mixtures may be effective in the treatment of atopic eczema. However, only four small poorly reported RCTs of the same product, Zemaphyte, were found and the results were heterogeneous. Further well-designed, larger scale trials are required, but Zemaphyte is no longer being manufactured.
Найдена дополнительная информация, не указанная в библиографии.
Lancet. 1992 Jul 4;340(8810):13-7.
Efficacy of traditional Chinese herbal therapy in adult atopic dermatitis.
Sheehan MP, Rustin MH, Atherton DJ, Buckley C, Harris DW, Brostoff J, Ostlere L, Dawson A.
Department of Dermatology, Royal Free Hospital and School of Medicine, London, UK.
Erratum in:
Lancet 1992 Jul 18;340(8812):188. Harris DJ [corrected to Harris DW].
Comment in:
Lancet. 1992 Sep 12;340(8820):673-4.
Lancet. 1993 Nov 6;342(8880):1175-6.
There has been considerable interest in traditional Chinese herbal therapy (TCHT) as a new treatment for atopic dermatitis. To establish the efficacy and safety of this treatment, a daily decoction of a formula containing ten herbs that has been found to be beneficial in open studies was tested in a double-blind placebo-controlled study. 40 adult patients with longstanding, refractory, widespread, atopic dermatitis were randomised into two groups to receive 2 months' treatment of either the active formulation of herbs (TCHT) or placebo herbs, followed by a crossover to the other treatment after a 4-week washout period. The main outcome measures were extent and severity of erythema and surface damage as judged by standardised body scores. The patients' own assessments of the overall response to treatment were also sought. The geometric mean score for erythema at the end of active treatment was 12.6 (95% confidence interval [CI] 5.9 to 22.0) and at the end of the placebo phase was 113 (65 to 180). The geometric mean score for surface damage was 11.3 (5.8 to 21.8) and 111.0 (68 to 182), respectively. The 95% CI for the mean geometric ratio for the two values with active treatment was 0.04 to 0.22 for erythema (p less than 0.0005) and 0.04 to 0.27 for surface damage (p less than 0.0005). Of the 31 patients who completed the study and expressed a preference, 20 preferred that phase of the trial in which they received TCHT whereas 4 patients preferred placebo (p less than 0.02). There was a subjective improvement in itching (p less than 0.001) and sleep (p less than 0.078) during the TCHT treatment phase. No side-effects were reported by the patients although many commented on the unpalatability of the decoction. TCHT seems to benefit patients with atopic dermatitis. Palatability of the treatment needs to be improved and its safety assured.
Br J Dermatol. 2007 Aug;157(2):357-63. Epub 2007 May 14.
Efficacy and tolerability of a Chinese herbal medicine concoction for treatment of atopic dermatitis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
Hon KL, Leung TF, Ng PC, Lam MC, Kam WY, Wong KY, Lee KC, Sung YT, Cheng KF, Fok TF, Fung KP, Leung PC.
Department of Paediatrics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong SAR, China. ehon@cuhk.edu.hk
BACKGROUND: There has been considerable interest in traditional Chinese herbal medicine (TCHM) as a treatment for atopic dermatitis (AD). A twice-daily concoction of an ancestral formula containing five herbs has been found to be beneficial in an open study.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the efficacy and tolerability of the concoction in children with AD.
METHODS: Following a 2-week run-in period, children with long-standing moderate-to-severe AD were randomized to receive a 12-week treatment with twice-daily dosing of three capsules of either TCHM or placebo. The SCORing of Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD) score, Children's Dermatology Life Quality Index (CDLQI), allergic rhinitis score, and requirement for topical corticosteroid and oral antihistamine were assessed before and at weeks 4, 8, 12 and 16 after treatment. Adverse events, tolerability, haematological and biochemical parameters were monitored during the study.
RESULTS: Eighty-five children with AD were recruited. Over 12 weeks, the mean SCORAD score fell from 58.3 to 49.7 in the TCHM group (n = 42; P = 0.003) and from 56.9 to 46.9 in the placebo group (n = 43; P = 0.001). However, there was no significant difference in the scores at the corresponding time points between the two groups. The CDLQI in TCHM-treated patients was significantly improved compared with patients receiving placebo at the end of the 3-month treatment and 4 weeks after stopping therapy (P = 0.008 and 0.059, respectively). The total amount of topical corticosteroid used was also significantly reduced by one-third in the TCHM group (P = 0.024). No serious adverse effects were observed between the groups.
CONCLUSIONS: The TCHM concoction is efficacious in improving quality of life and reducing topical corticosteroid use in children with moderate-to-severe AD. The formulation was palatable and well tolerated.
26. Shapira M Y, Raphaelovich Y, Gilad L, Or R, Dumb A J, Ingber A. Treatment of atopic dermatitis with herbal combination of Eleutherococcus, Achillea millefolium and Lamium album has no advantage over placebo: a double blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial. J Am Acad Dermatol 2005;52:691–693. Department of Bone Marrow Transplantation, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel. shapiram@hadassah.org.il
OBJECTIVE: To test the efficacy of tri-herbal combination on atopic dermatitis in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial.
METHODS: Forty-nine patients were included for 2 weeks of treatment. Patients were followed until week 8.
RESULTS: The response to the real medication was significant in objective and subjective parameters. Patients maintained partial remission until the end of follow-up. The placebo-treated group had a similar response without a significant difference.
CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with tri-herbal combination for atopic dermatitis does not differ from treatment with placebo.
27. Sokel B, Christie D, Kent A, Lansdown R, Atherton D. A comparison of hypnotherapy and biofeedback in the treatment of childhood atopic eczema. Contemp Hypnosis 1993;10:145–154
Первоисточник не найден.
28. Kalliomaki M, Salminen S, Arvilommi H, Kero P, Kiskinen P, Isolauri E. Probiotics in primary prevention of atopic disease: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Department of Paediatrics, University of Turku and Turku University Hospital, Finland. markal@utu.fi
Comment in:
Lancet. 2003 Aug 9;362(9382):496; author reply 496.
Lancet. 2001 Apr 7;357(9262):1057-9.
ACP J Club. 2001 Nov-Dec;135(3):106.
BACKGROUND: Reversal of the progressive increase in frequency of atopic disease would be an important breakthrough for health care and wellbeing in western societies. In the hygiene hypothesis this increase is attributed to reduced microbial exposure in early life. Probiotics are cultures of potentially beneficial bacteria of the healthy gut microflora. We assessed the effect on atopic disease of Lactobacillus GG (which is safe at an early age and effective in treatment of allergic inflammation and food allergy).
METHODS: In a double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled trial we gave Lactobacillus GG prenatally to mothers who had at least one first-degree relative (or partner) with atopic eczema, allergic rhinitis, or asthma, and postnatally for 6 months to their infants. Chronic recurring atopic eczema, which is the main sign of atopic disease in the first years of life, was the primary endpoint.
FINDINGS: Atopic eczema was diagnosed in 46 of 132 (35%) children aged 2 years. Asthma was diagnosed in six of these children and allergic rhinitis in one. The frequency of atopic eczema in the probiotic group was half that of the placebo group (15/64 [23%] vs 31/68 [46%]; relative risk 0.51 [95% CI 0.32-0.84]). The number needed to treat was 4.5 (95% CI 2.6-15.6).
INTERPRETATIONS: Lactobacillus GG was effective in prevention of early atopic disease in children at high risk. Thus, gut microflora might be a hitherto unexplored source of natural immunomodulators and probiotics, for prevention of atopic disease.
29. Isolauri E, Arvola T, Sutas Y, Moilanen E, Salminen S. Probiotics in the management of atopic eczema. Clin Exp Allergy 2000;30:1604–1610. Department of Paediatrics, University of Turku, Finland.
BACKGROUND: Over the last two decades the incidence of allergic diseases has increased in industrialized countries, and consequently new approaches have to be explored.
OBJECTIVE: The potential of probiotics to control allergic inflammation at an early age was assessed in a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study.
METHODS: A total of 27 infants, mean age 4.6 months, who manifested atopic eczema during exclusive breast-feeding and who have had no exposure to any infant or substitute formula were weaned to probiotic-supplemented, Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12 or Lactobacillus strain GG (ATCC 53103), extensively hydrolysed whey formulas or to the same formula without probiotics. The extent and severity of atopic eczema, the growth and nutrition of infants, and concentrations of circulating cytokines/chemokines and soluble cell surface adhesion molecules in serum and methyl-histamine and eosinophilic protein X in urine were determined.
RESULTS: The SCORAD score reflecting the extent and severity of atopic eczema was 16 (7-25) during breast-feeding, median (interquartile range). After 2 months, a significant improvement in skin condition occurred in patients given probiotic-supplemented formulas, as compared to the unsupplemented group; chi(2) = 12.27, P = 0.002. SCORAD decreased in the Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12 group to 0 (0-3.8), and in the Lactobacillus GG group to 1 (0.1-8.7), vs unsupplemented 13.4 (4.5-18.2), median (interquartile range), in parallel with a reduction in the concentration of soluble CD4 in serum and eosinophilic protein X in urine.
CONCLUSION: The results provide the first clinical demonstration of specific probiotic strains modifying the changes related to allergic inflammation. The data further indicate that probiotics may counteract inflammatory responses beyond the intestinal milieu. The combined effects of these probiotic strains will guide infants through the weaning period, when sensitization to newly encountered antigens is initiated. The probiotic approach may thus offer a new direction in the search for future foods for allergy treatment and prevention strategies.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?t...%20Sutas%20Y30. Rautava S, Kalliomaki M, Isolauri E. Probiotics during pregnancy and breast-feeding might confer immunomodulatory protection against atopic disease in the infant. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2002;109:119–121. Department of Paediatrics, University of Turku, Finland.
The prevalence of atopic diseases is increasing throughout the Western world, and means of primary prevention are needed to reverse this trend. The role of breast-feeding, the best source of infant nutrition, in protection against atopic disease remains elusive. In this double-blinded, placebo-controlled study of 62 mother-infant pairs, it is shown that administering probiotics to the pregnant and lactating mother increased the immunoprotective potential of breast milk, as assessed by the amount of anti-inflammatory transforming growth factor beta2 (TGF-beta2) in the milk (2885 pg/mL [95% CI, 1624-4146] in mothers receiving probiotics vs 1340 pg/mL [95% CI, 978-1702] in mothers receiving placebo; P =.018). The risk of developing atopic eczema during the first 2 years of life in infants whose mothers received probiotics was significantly reduced in comparison with that in infants whose mothers received placebo (15% and 47%, respectively; relative risk, 0.32 [95% CI, 0.12-0.85]; P =.0098). Maternal atopy was a clear risk factor for atopic eczema in the infant. The infants most likely to benefit from maternal probiotic supplementation were those with an elevated cord blood IgE concentration. Administering probiotics during pregnancy and breast-feeding thus offers a safe and effective mode of promoting the immunoprotective potential of breast-feeding and provides protection against atopic eczema during the first 2 years of life.
31. Kirjavainen P V, Arvola T, Salminen S J, Isolauri E. Aberrant composition of gut microbiota of allergic infants: a target of bifidobacterial therapy at weaning? Gut 2002;51:51–55. Department of Biochemistry and Food Chemistry, University of Turku, Finland. pirkka.kirjavainen@utu.fi
BACKGROUND: Recent data have outlined a relationship between the composition of the intestinal microflora and allergic inflammation, and demonstrated the competence of probiotics in downregulation of such inflammation.
AIMS: Our aims were to characterise the relationship between gut microbes and the extent of allergic sensitisation and to assess whether the efficacy of bifidobacterial supplementation in the treatment of allergy could relate to modulation of the intestinal microbiota.
METHODS: This randomised study included 21 infants with early onset atopic eczema of whom eight were intolerant (highly sensitised group (HSG)) and 13 tolerant (sensitised group (SG)) to extensively hydrolysed whey formula (EHF). In the SG, six were weaned to EHF without (placebo group (PG)) and seven to EHF with Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12 supplementation (bifidobacteria treated group (BbG)). The faecal microflora of infants in the HSG was analysed only before weaning whereas in the SG the faecal microflora was analysed both before and after weaning.
RESULTS: Infants in the HSG had greater numbers of lactobacilli/enterococci than those in the SG. Serum total IgE concentration correlated directly with Escherichia coli counts in all infants and with bacteroides counts in the HSG, indicating that the presence of these bacteria is associated with the extent of atopic sensitisation. The effect of supplementation was characterised as a decrease in the numbers of Escherichia coli and protection against an increase in bacteroides numbers during weaning.
CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that bifidobacterial supplementation appears to modify the gut microbiota in a manner that may alleviate allergic inflammation. Further studies are needed to confirm this conclusion.

И.р.и.н.а. 06-04-2011 21:34

Re: Вопросы врачу Вадиму Асадулину
Добрый день.Скажите,есть ли в практике голодания положительные результаты в лечении эндометриозных кист? Я на форуме не новичок,опыт голодания есть.Но тут назрела новая проблема.К мастопатии,бесплодию и прочей гадости прибавился эндометриоз и ЭНДОМЕТРИОЗНАЯ КИСТА ЯИЧНИКА.Проблема более,чем серьёзная:киста болит,месячные с кровотечениями.Врач советует оперироваться,но если согласиться,то у меня по счёту это уже будет 4е хирург.вмешательство.Особенно не радует гормональная терапия после операции..........

Скажите,есть ли у кого опыт лечения эндометриозной кисты голоданием,травами и т.д.?
Или не тратить время,а сразу на опер.стол?Терпеть уже некуда...

Вадим Асадулин 06-04-2011 22:44

Re: Вопросы врачу Вадиму Асадулину

Сообщение от И.р.и.н.а. (Сообщение 458465)
Добрый день.Скажите,есть ли в практике голодания положительные результаты в лечении эндометриозных кист? Я на форуме не новичок,опыт голодания есть.Но тут назрела новая проблема.К мастопатии,бесплодию и прочей гадости прибавился эндометриоз и ЭНДОМЕТРИОЗНАЯ КИСТА ЯИЧНИКА.Проблема более,чем серьёзная:киста болит,месячные с кровотечениями.Врач советует оперироваться,но если согласиться,то у меня по счёту это уже будет 4е хирург.вмешательство.Особенно не радует гормональная терапия после операции..........

Скажите,есть ли у кого опыт лечения эндометриозной кисты голоданием,травами и т.д.?
Или не тратить время,а сразу на опер.стол?Терпеть уже некуда...

Вот наиболее адекватные ответы на подобные вопросы с позиций западной медицины:
Обратите внимание, чтоб получить адекватную консультацию, приводятся протоколы исследований, а не вольный перессказ, обязательно указание фазы менструального цикла на момент проведения исследований.
Я применяю лечебное голодание исходя из концепций Тибетской Традиционной медицины согласно Телосложения, а не из диагноза:
Заполните анкету по определению типа Телосложения, тогда можно будет говорить о целесообразности голодания. Исходя из моего клинического опыта, подобный западный диагноз является проявлением Начала Лун, когда лечебное голодание противопоказано.
Эффект м. б. получен от применения тибетских лекарств и подбора Конституционального гомеопатического средства.
Была где-то заброшенная тема про приготовление тибетских лекарств для лечения гинекологических заболеваний.

И.р.и.н.а. 08-04-2011 21:51

Re: Вопросы врачу Вадиму Асадулину
Огромное спасибо за ответ!Если возможно,дайте пожалуйста ссылку на вышеуказанную анкету.Спасибо!)

Вадим Асадулин 08-04-2011 23:48

Re: Вопросы врачу Вадиму Асадулину

Сообщение от И.р.и.н.а. (Сообщение 459168)
Огромное спасибо за ответ!Если возможно,дайте пожалуйста ссылку на вышеуказанную анкету.Спасибо!)

Ищите сами, неоднократно предлагал собрать все анкеты вместе, сделать общую, но всем недосуг.

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