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Старый 26-12-2009, 09:37   #122
Аватар для Вадим Асадулин
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Re: Рассеянный склероз

Вот свежий абстракт о лечении рассеянного склероза методами Тибетской Медицины.
Неплохо было бы найти статью полностью и перевести на русский язык.
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2009 Aug;1172:115-22.
Tibetan medicine and regeneration.
Dhondup L, Husted C.
Global Institute for Tibetan Medicine, Norwalk, California, USA.
An overview of the concept of regeneration in Tibetan medicine is presented with descriptions of detoxification and tonification longevity protocols. The body must be fortified before receiving stronger treatments for regeneration. All disease is brought into balance with understanding of the interplay of the five elements, three humors, and their qualities and locations. The example of multiple sclerosis (MS) is given. The macroscopic three-humor interpretation of MS agrees with the microscopic three-humor description of demyelination, providing a new framework for the understanding and treatment of MS. Treatments for MS and other chronic conditions are based on age, season, time of day, and the individual's three-humor and hot (excess) and cold (deficiency) balance. Treatments to promote regeneration include nutrition, gentle exercise, herbal formulas, accessory therapies such as herbal baths and oils, and meditation. It is built into the theory of Tibetan medicine to have predictions about outcome and distinguish different disease patterns in patients with MS and other disorders. Taking into account daily and seasonal variations coupled with the changing nature of MS, it is critical to frequently evaluate people with MS and other chronic conditions for monitoring and adjustment of treatment for regeneration.
Камень, лежащий вне дороги, не может быть помехой, он просто камень. Только камни, портящие дорогу, могут быть помехами, но они же и знаки верного направления. А. Шевцов. "Введение в науку думать".
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