И все-таки быть постоянно в кетозе не совсем здорОвое состояние, это тем, кто себе здоровье испортил сахарАми, или временно полечиться...но не долгое время...
а в краткосрочном периоде, да, результаты порой потрясающие!
Please provide a single example of a society that was truly zero carb, else it's so much hot air. Hint: the Inuit "Eskimos" are not one such society (see "Eskimo potato"). Even Vilhjalmur Stefansson said some nice things about potatoes that one won't often find at Zeroing in on Health. And let's not forget the favorite food of every hunter-gatherer society that has access to decent variants of it: wild honey. Is honey zero carb?
ZC and VLC can be a beneficial therapy for some (including me in the past), but for millions and millions of years, humans and their forebears have been eating wild honey, wild fruits, wild livers and wild eggs. If all carbs were the Devil, it would be an uber miracle that H. sapiens managed to survive.
And I say this as someone who tolerates carbs less well than 99% of humanity. YMMV, and to each their own.
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