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Различные методики укрепления здоровья и его поддержания Спорт, йога, закаливание и т.п.

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Старый 28-04-2007, 07:28   #1
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Голодание и китайская медицина

в одной из книг, велечайшего ученого России, Вогралика, есть такая вот цитата

В 1795 г. в Эдо (старое название Токио) прибыл по приглашению первого министра один из старейших людей Японии — крестьянин Мампэ. Ему было тогда 194 года. Министр попросил его поделиться секретом причины своего долголетия. Старик ответил: «У предков своих я научился мокса и пользовался им всю жизнь. Я и вся моя семья ежемесячно с первого по восьмое число делаем себе прижигания на ногах в точке цзу-сан-ли. Жене моей сейчас 173 года, сыну — 153, внуку — 105 лет». Старика богато одарили рисом и деньгами и с почетом отправили домой. Через 48 лет после этого Мампэ снова прибыл в Эдо для участия в торжествах открытия нового моста. Ему было 242 года, жене — 221 год, сыну — 201, жене сына 193 года, внуку — 153, жене внука— 138 лет.

неплохая история, но я не стремлюсь жить вечно, хотя все может быть)))) но скажу что во время голодание я делаю всегда прижегание этой точки и то чувства которое появляетса в теле это не передать, так вот расположение: ниже верхнего края латерального мыщелка болыпеберцовой кости на 3 цуня ( это ширена вашей ладоне в облости пальц), у переднего края большеберцовой мышцы. Функция: точка большого спектра действия.

Показания: нарушение функции желудка, гастрит, язвенная болезнь, боль в подложечной области, метеоризм, энтерит, запор, рвота, понос; боль в коленном суставе и голени; заболевания глаз; лихорадочное состояние; недержание мочи; гипертензия, астенические состояния; общее тонизирующее действие.

теперь как ее стимулировать? все порой просто, если нет полыной сигары, мокса, то берите толченый чеснок, забейте в половинку грецкого ореха, и приложите на точку и заматайте бинтом, время у каждого разное, эфект "игля" это когда приятное тепло разлеваетса по мередиану, появляетса онемение, вообще это трудно описать, но с опытом все поймете ))))))
«Твоя пища должна стать твоим лекарством».

"Все грибы съедобны, но некоторые только один раз!"
Здесь не говорят спасибо, здесь жмут на СПАСИБО
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Старый 27-09-2009, 11:43   #21
Аватар для Вадим Асадулин
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Re: Голодание и китайская медицина

Stroke. 2009 Mar.
Danqi Piantang Jiaonang (DJ), a traditional Chinese medicine, in poststroke recovery.
Chen C, Venketasubramanian N, Gan RN, Lambert C, Picard D, Chan BP, Chan E, Bousser MG, Xuemin S.
Department of Pharmacology, National University of Singapore, Singapore. phccclh@nus.edu.sg
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Despite improvements in acute stroke treatment, many patients only make a partial or poor recovery. Therefore, there is a need for treatments that would further improve outcome. Danqi Piantang Jiaonang (DJ; NeuroAid), a traditional Chinese medicine widely used in China to improve recovery after stroke, has been compared with another traditional Chinese medicine in 2 unpublished randomized clinical trials. The results of these studies were pooled and reanalyzed to assess efficacy and safety. METHODS: Six hundred five subjects were randomized in 2 randomized double-blinded, controlled trials to receive either DJ or Buchang Naoxintong Jiaonang. Subjects were treated for 1 month. Inclusion criteria were: (1) patients with recent (from 10 days to 6 months) ischemic stroke; (2) patients satisfying Western diagnostic standards for stroke and traditional Chinese medicine standards for diagnosis of apoplexy; and (3) Diagnostic Therapeutic Effects of Apoplexy score >/=10. RESULTS: The functional outcome, measured by the Comprehensive Function Score component of the Diagnostic Therapeutic Effects of Apoplexy scale, showed a statistically significant superiority of DJ over the control treatment group (relative risk, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.28 to 4.51; P=0.007). Tolerance was excellent in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: The pooled analysis of 2 unpublished trials of DJ, a traditional Chinese medicine currently approved in China to improve neurological recovery after stroke, shows good tolerability and superiority of DJ over another traditional Chinese medicine also approved for stroke. A large double-blind randomized clinical trial is required to further assess the safety and efficacy of DJ.

Cerebrovasc Dis. 2008 Apr 16.
Erratum in: Cerebrovasc Dis. 2009.
Danqi Piantan Jiaonang does not modify hemostasis, hematology, and biochemistry in normal subjects and stroke patients.
Gan R, Lambert C, Lianting J, Chan ES, Venketasubramanian N, Chen C, Chan BP, Samama MM, Bousser MG.
Department of Neurology, National Neuroscience Institute, Singapore, Singapore. robert_gan@nni.com.sg
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Previous studies on Danqi Piantan Jiaonang (DPJ, NeuroAid), a traditional Chinese medicine, in stroke patients showed promising results. Our aim was to determine the safety of DPJ in normal subjects and stroke patients through a series of studies assessing its immediate and long-term effects, alone and in combination with aspirin, on hematological, hemostatic, and biochemical parameters. METHODS: We conducted 3 studies from December 2004 to May 2006. Study 1 was a case series which recruited 32 healthy volunteers who were given 2 oral doses of 4 DPJ capsules (0.4 g/capsule) 6 h apart. Study 2 was a randomized controlled trial of 22 healthy volunteers who received either 1 oral dose of aspirin 300 mg alone or a combination of 1 dose of aspirin 300 mg and 2 doses of 4 DPJ capsules taken 6 h apart. For both studies 1 and 2, hemostatic parameters (prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, fibrinogen, platelet aggregation, D-dimer) were tested at baseline, and after 2 and 8 h. Study 3 was a case series which recruited 10 patients with recent ischemic stroke (within 7 days) who were given 4 DPJ capsules taken orally 3 times a day for 1 month. Blood tests for hemostatic, hematological (complete blood count), and biochemical parameters (glucose, creatinine, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate transaminase, C-reactive protein) were performed at baseline, and after 1 and 4 weeks. RESULTS: Apart from the expected changes in platelet aggregation in subjects taking aspirin, no significant differences were detected in hemostatic parameters at baseline, and 2 and 8 h after oral intake of DPJ alone or in combination with aspirin. Likewise, no significant differences were observed in hematological, hemostatic, and biochemical parameters at baseline, and after 1 and 4 weeks of oral intake of DPJ. CONCLUSION: DPJ does not significantly modify hematological, hemostatic, and biochemical parameters in normal subjects and stroke patients. (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.

J. Tradit Chin Med. 2005 Sep.
A clinical study on the treatment of urinary infection with Zishen Tongli Jiaonang.
Zhang M, Zhang D, Xu Y, Duo X, Zhang W.
Gong An Hospital, Tianjin 300050, China.
OBJECTIVE: To observe the therapeutic effects of Zishen Tongli Jiaonang (capsules for nourishing the kidney and promoting urination) for treatment of urinary infection. METHOD: The treatment group with a control group were randomly set up. 120 patients in the control group were given antibiotics according to drug sensitive tests for orally taking or intravenous drip, while 136 patients in the treatment group were additionally given the capsules on the basis of the above-mentioned treatment. One course of treatment lasted 2 weeks. Statistical analysis on the therapeutic effects was conducted after a two-course treatment. The recurrence rates of the two groups were compared one year later. RESULTS: The total remission rates were respectively 96.3% in the treatment group and 81.7% in the control group (P<0.05). The recurrence rates one year later were respectively 4.4% in the treatment group and 30.0% in the control group (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: The capsules show good effects for urinary infection, especially in the long-term effect.
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Старый 23-10-2009, 02:54   #22
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Re: Голодание и китайская медицина

Д-р Ю Чи, акупунктурист из Колумбии, получивший образование в КНР, демонстрирует приёмы туй-на - мануальные техники Традиционной Китайской Медицины:
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Старый 16-01-2010, 08:09   #23
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Re: Голодание и китайская медицина

Нашел интересный ресурс:
The Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China (PPRC) is the official pharmacopoeia of China. The most recent English edition was published in 2000 and comprises two volumes. Volume 1 covers the Traditional Chinese Materia Medica, including Traditional Chinese Patent Medicines, while Volume 2 is dedicated to conventional pharmaceuticals.
Volume 1 contains two types of monographs: those of single drugs (Part 1) and those of fixed combinations (Patent Medicines) and simple preparations (Part 2). Single drug monographs include monographs for traditional drugs of plant, fungal, animal and mineral origin. More than 500 monographs of single plant (or fungal) drugs are included in the 2000 English edition of the PPRC.
Monographs in the English edition of the PPRC appear in alphabetical order according to the pharmaceutical Latin drug names. These names generally indicate the plant part(s) used as well as the genus and/or species of plant. For example Semen Nelumbinis refers to lotus seed ('semen' being Latin for seed and 'Nelumbinis' referring to the generic name for lotus (Nelumbo). Similarly, Rhizoma Polygonati Odorati refers to the rhizome of Polygonatum odoratum ('rhizoma' meaning rhizome and 'Polygonati' referring to the generic name Polygonatum.

Знаком ли кто с этим изданием, есть ли смысл приобретать с позиций Традиционной Медицины?
Камень, лежащий вне дороги, не может быть помехой, он просто камень. Только камни, портящие дорогу, могут быть помехами, но они же и знаки верного направления. А. Шевцов. "Введение в науку думать".
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Старый 21-01-2010, 08:30   #24
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Re: Голодание и китайская медицина

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Giovanni Maciocia 'The Practice of Chinese Medicine'. ISBN 0-443-043051
United Kingdom 1994.

Multiple sclerosis is the most common neurological disease in the Northern hemisphere. Its pathology consists in the partial destruction of the myelin sheaths around the spinal cord, brain and optic nerves. The lesions are disseminated at intervals and the many varied symptoms depend on the location of the lesions. Because the lesions can partially heal, this disease goes
through characteristic phases of remission and relapse. In young people the first presenting symptom is often retrobulbar neuritis causing blurred vision, whilst in old people it is weakness of a leg. As mentioned above, this disease is characterized by many different symptoms according to the location of the lesions in the myelin sheath. These include: blurred vision, weakness and heaviness of one or both legs, jerking of the legs, double vision, vertigo, vomiting, incoordination, a feeling in arms and legs like suffering an electric shock, numbness or tingling of limbs, urgency or hesitancy of urination, impotence. With the progressive degeneration of the myelin sheath there is an increasing incoordination and weakness of the legs and arms. In the late stages there is complete paralysis usually of the spastic type together with urinary incontinence and gross cerebellar disturbance with ataxic gait.
In Chinese medicine, multiple sclerosis is a type of Atrophy Syndrome.
Aetiology and Pathology.
Invasion of external Dampness is an important cause of disease in the beginning stages. External Dampness invades the channels of the legs first and creeps upwards. This is contracted by living in damp places, sitting on damp grass, failing to dry oneself after swimming, being exposed to damp weather when wearing insufficient clothes, or being exposed to foggy weather. Women are particularly prone to invasion of Dampness during their menstrual cycle and after childbirth. Dampness obstructs the channels and causes a feeling of heaviness in the legs, numbness and tingling.
Excessive consumption of greasy-fried or cold foods impairs the Spleen and leads to the formation of Dampness. Dairy foods such as milk, cheese, butter and cream are one of the most common causes of Dampness in Western countries.
Excessive Sexual Activity.
Excessive sexual activity weakens the Kidneys and Liver and is particularly responsible for the manifestations in the middle to late stages of multiple sclerosis, i.e. dizziness, blurred vision, urgency or hesitancy of urination and extreme weakness of the legs.
Shock causes a sudden depletion of Heart- and Spleen-Qi. The Spleen influences the muscles, so this depletion deprives the muscles of nourishment, and the Heart controls the circulation of Blood, so it leads to poor circulation of both Qi and Blood to the limbs. Both these factors may cause weakness of the legs, dizziness and vertigo. In most cases the symptoms in the early stages reflect an invasion of Dampness: they are a feeling of heaviness, numbness and tingling of the limbs. In the middle stages of the disease there is a progressive deficiency of Liver and Kidneys with such symptoms as dizziness, vertigo, blurred vision, progressive weakness of the legs, and urinary hesitancy or urgency. If Liver-Yang develops, there is stiffness of the legs, more severe vertigo and vomiting. In the late stages, with the development of Liver-Wind, there is tremor and severe spasms of the legs.
Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment.
Acupuncture is the treatment of choice for multiple sclerosis. There are only two basic patterns:
Damp-Phlegm with Spleen Deficiency.
Liver and Kidney Deficiency.
Damp-Phlegm With Spleen Deficiency.
Clinical Manifestations:
Numbness, feeling of heaviness of the legs, tingling, dizziness, tiredness.
Tongue: Swollen with teeth-marks and a sticky coating.
Pulse: Weak and Slippery.
Treatment Principle:
Resolve Dampness, tonify the Spleen and invigorate the Connecting channels.
Herbal Treatment:
Si Miao San Variation (Four Wonderful Powder):
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis lanceae 6 g
Huang Bo Cortex Phellodendri 9 g
Niu Xi Radix Achyranthis bidentatae seu Cyathulae 6 g
Yi Yi Ren Semen Coicis lachryma jobi 9 g
Bi Xie Rhizoma Dioscoreae hypoglaucae 6 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis macrocephalae 6 g
Du Huo Radix Angelicae pubescentis 6 g
– Si Miao San (first four herbs) resolves Damp-Heat from the Lower Burner and legs.
– Bi Xie resolves Dampness from the legs.
– Bai Zhu tonifies Spleen-Qi and dries Dampness.
– Du Huo expels Wind-Dampness from the Lower Burner and invigorates the Connecting channels.
– If the condition is very long-standing and Dampness is pronounced add Huo Xiang Herba Agastachis and Pei Lan Herba Eupatorii fortunei.
– If there is a lot of numbness and tingling add Sha Ren Fructus seu Semen Amomi and Wei Ling Xian Radix Clematidis chinensis.
Case History 29.1
Multiple Sclerosis: Dampness in the Spleen-Male, Age 45.
A 45-year-old man had been diagnosed as suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS) only a few months earlier. The first symptoms of his condition were numbness of the left arm, tingling of the limbs and around the mouth, dizziness and a feeling of heaviness of the head and legs. He also felt very tired. His pulse was Slippery but also Weak and his tongue was Swollen with a sticky-yellow coating inside a Stomach-crack.
This condition was clearly due to Dampness and Phlegm obstructing the channels and also the head. There was also an underlying deficiency of Spleen and Stomach as evidenced by the tiredness, Weak pulse and Stomach-crack on the tongue.
Treatment principle:
The principle of treatment applied was to tonify the Spleen and resolve Dampness, as well as remove obstruction from the channels and invigorate the Connecting channels.
Herbal treatment:
The herbal formula used was a variation of Si Miao San Four Wonderful Powder:
Huang Bo Cortex Phellodendri 6 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis lanceae 6 g
Yi Yi Ren Semen Coicis lachryma jobi 9 g
Niu Xi Radix Achyranthis bidentatae seu Cyathulae 6 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis macrocephalae 6 g
Wei Ling Xian Radix Clematidis chinensis 4.5 g
Sha Ren Fructus seu Semen Amomi 4 g
The first four herbs resolve Dampness in the Lower Burner.
Bai Zhu tonifies the Spleen and drains Dampness.
Wei Ling Xian and Sha Ren eliminate obstructions from the channels, resolve Dampness and invigorate the Connecting channels.
Case History 29.2
Multiple Sclerosis: Dampness in the Spleen-Female, Age 36.
A 36-year-old woman had been suffering from MS for 3 years. Her main symptoms were a feeling of heaviness of her legs, lack of balance, weakness of the legs, difficulty in walking and urinary incontinence. She had a 2-year-old child and her symptoms improved during the pregnancy. Her tongue was slightly Pale but with a Red tip. It was Swollen and had a Heart-crack. The coating was sticky. Her pulse was Weak and Fine and the Heart position was particularly Weak.
Diagnosis: The main manifestations are clearly those of Dampness invading the Lower Burner and the leg channels. However, the cause of the disease had its roots not only in the Spleen but also the Heart. The Weak Heart pulse and Heart crack on the tongue point to shock injuring both Spleen and Heart. She confirmed that she had suffered a severe shock a year before the onset of her symptoms.
Treatment principle:
The treatment principle adopted was to resolve Dampness from the Lower Burner, tonify the Spleen and strengthen the Heart. She was treated primarily with acupuncture.
This patient is still being treated; her condition has shown an improvement of some 60% and is now quite stable.

Clinical Manifestations of Liver and Kidney Deficiency:
Progressive weakness of the legs, weak back and knees, dizziness, poor memory, blurred vision, hesitancy or urgency of urination.
Treatment Principle:
Tonify Kidneys and Liver and strengthen bones and tendons.
Herbal Treatment:
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan Variation (Six-Ingredient Rehmannia Pill):
Shu Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae glutinosae praeparata 24 g
Shan Zhu Yu Fructus Corni officinalis 12 g
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae oppositae 12 g
Ze Xie Rhizoma Alismatis orientalis 9 g
Mu Dan Pi Cortex Moutan radicis 9 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae cocos 9 g
Du Huo Radix Angelicae pubescentis 4 g
Sang Ji Sheng Ramus Loranthi 6 g
Ji Xue Teng Caulis Millettiae seu Caulis Spatholobi 6 g
Wu Jia Pi Cortex Acanthopanacis radicis 6 g
Du Zhong Cortex Eucommiae ulmoidis 4.5 g
– The formula Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (first six herbs) nourishes Kidney- and Liver-Yin.
– Du Huo expels Wind-Damp from the channels of the Lower Burner and invigorates the Connecting channels.
– Sang Ji Sheng nourishes Liver-Blood and the tendons.
– Ji Xue Teng and Wu Jia Pi invigorate the Connecting channels, move Blood and strengthen tendons and bones.
– Du Zhong may be added in a small dose, even though it is a Yang tonic, to tonify the lower back and legs and strengthen the spine. The emphasis of the formula as a whole is to nourish Yin, so it is good to include a Yang tonic as Yang corresponds to movement.
– If there is stasis of Blood evidenced by pain in the limbs add Hong Hua Flos Carthami tinctorii, Tao Ren Semen Persicae and Niu Xi Radix Achyranthis bidentatae seu Cyathulae.
– If there are spasms, add Jiang Can Bombyx batryticatus and Di Long Pheretima aspergillum.
– If, in a very chronic case, there is a deficiency of both Yin and Yang of the Kidneys (deficiency of Yang appearing later while the tongue is still Red), add Lu Jiao Cornu Cervi to tonify Kidney-Yang and strengthen the spine.
Patent Remedies:
Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan (Angelica Pubescens-Loranthus Pill):
Du Huo Radix Angelicae pubescentis
Xi Xin Herba Asari cum radice
Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae sesloidis
Qin Jiao Radix Gentianae macrophyllae
Sang Ji Sheng Ramus Loranthi
Du Zhong Radix Eucommiae ulmoidis
Niu Xi Radix Achyranthis bidentatae seu Cyathulae
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae sinensis
Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici wallichii
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae glutinosae
Bai Shao Radix Paeoniae albae
Ren Shen Radix Ginseng
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae cocos
Rou Gui Cortex Cinnamomi cassiae
Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis
This remedy tonifies Liver and Kidneys and expels Wind-Dampness from the back and legs. It is suitable only if there is a deficiency of Kidney-Yang. The tongue presentation appropriate to this remedy, therefore, is a Pale body.
Du Zhong Bu Tian Su (Eucommia Benefiting Heaven Pill):
Du Zhong Cortex Eucommiae ulmoidis
Gou Qi Zi Fructus Lycii chinensis
Huang Qi Radix Astragali membranacei
Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis pilosulae
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae sinensis
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae glutinosae
Ba Ji Tian Radix Morindae officinalis
Shan Zhu Yu Fructus Corni officinalis
Rou Cong Rong Herba Cistanchis
Lian Zi Semen Nelumbinis nuciferae
Bai Zi Ren Semen Biotae orientalis
This remedy tonifies both Kidney-Yang and Kidney-Yin, nourishes the Liver, and benefits sinews and bones. It is suitable for multiple sclerosis from deficiency of Liver- and Kidney-Yin:
the Kidney-Yang tonics within the formula will help the movement of the limbs.
The tongue presentation appropriate to this remedy is a slightly Red body colour with a rootless coating. If the body-colour is very Red and the tongue is completely without coating, this pill is not suitable.
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (Six-Ingredient Rehmannia Pill):
Shu Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae glutinosae praeparata
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae oppositae
Shan Zhu Yu Fructus Corni officinalis
Ze Xie Rhizoma Alismatis orientalis
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae cocos
Mu Dan Pi Cortex Moutan radicis
This pill nourishes Liver- and Kidney-Yin: it will not have any direct effect on the channels and sinews, but it can be used to nourish Kidney-Yin in conjunction with acupuncture. The tongue presentation appropriate to this remedy is a Red body with a rootless coating or without coating.
Whilst Chinese medicine cannot completely cure this condition, it can offer considerable help in alleviating its symptoms and slowing down its progress. Acupuncture helps considerably in eliminating the feeling of heaviness and tingling of the limbs and in facilitating walking. The earlier the treatment is started the better the results. If the patient is still walking one can expect some results, but if he or she is permanently in a wheelchair then results will be very poor or non-existent. If treatment is started at the very early stages, the symptoms can be eliminated completely and the progression of the disease halted indefinitely. This is all the more likely to happen if the patient cooperates in changing life style by taking more rest, adjusting the diet, and reducing sexual activity. Initially, treatment should be carried out 2-3 times a week. After a few weeks it can be spaced
out to once a week and then once a fortnight. If a good improvement is obtained, the patient should be seen about once a month thereafter.
Камень, лежащий вне дороги, не может быть помехой, он просто камень. Только камни, портящие дорогу, могут быть помехами, но они же и знаки верного направления. А. Шевцов. "Введение в науку думать".

Последний раз редактировалось Вадим Асадулин; 21-01-2010 в 08:44..
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Старый 21-01-2010, 09:02   #25
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Re: Голодание и китайская медицина

Похоже, что я нашел перевод этого отрывка на русский язык:
Неплохо было бы сравнить текст построчно и рецептуру.
Камень, лежащий вне дороги, не может быть помехой, он просто камень. Только камни, портящие дорогу, могут быть помехами, но они же и знаки верного направления. А. Шевцов. "Введение в науку думать".
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Старый 01-03-2010, 07:09   #26
Аватар для Вадим Асадулин
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Re: Голодание и китайская медицина

Одна из первых книг по ТКМ на французском языке: "Тайны китайской медицины, заключающиеся в современном познании пульсов, переданные из Китая французом, человеком весьма достойным”, изданной в Гренобле миссионером Харвье в 1671 году [Harvys, Placide. Les secrets de la medecine des Chinois, consistant en la parfaite connoissance du Pulse. – A Grenoble, Chez Philippes Charvis, 1671]
Камень, лежащий вне дороги, не может быть помехой, он просто камень. Только камни, портящие дорогу, могут быть помехами, но они же и знаки верного направления. А. Шевцов. "Введение в науку думать".
Вадим Асадулин вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 10-03-2010, 23:38   #27
Аватар для Вадим Асадулин
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Re: Голодание и китайская медицина

Resources for Chinese Medical Educators:
ОООгромнейший ресурс!
Камень, лежащий вне дороги, не может быть помехой, он просто камень. Только камни, портящие дорогу, могут быть помехами, но они же и знаки верного направления. А. Шевцов. "Введение в науку думать".
Вадим Асадулин вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 11-05-2010, 20:19   #28
Аватар для Вадим Асадулин
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Re: Голодание и китайская медицина

Вот такую чушь прочитал на одном из иркутских сайтов.
Интересно, а знают ли в самом Китае про подобное «лечение»?
Корпорация ХуаШэн - ЧУДО КИТАЯ на данный момент единственный, оригинальный производитель продукции с биофотонами, это лидер в области биорезонансной терапии. При этом наблюдается высокая эффективность работы изделий и качественный результат в лечении даже таких заболеваний, которые в медицине считаются "официально неизлечимыми", а также организм сам восстанавливается после операций, переломов,...В РАЗЫ БЫСТРЕЕ, без шрамов и осложнений.
ЭТО ВОЗМОЖНОСТЬ ЛЕЧЕНИЯ ПУТЁМ НАЛОЖЕНИЯ НА ТЕЛО БЕЛЬЯ С БИОФОТОНАМИ. (биофотон - поток частиц, излучаемых биологическим сырьём; материалом для биофотонов являются известные китайские травы от 21 до 50 наименований, переработанные до очень малых частиц, измеряемых в нанометрах). Чтобы достичь такого измельчения трав, применяется криофизическое дробление при температуре -170градусов. Эти супермелкие частицы наслаиваются на ткань,из которой изготавливаются изделия. Бельё с биофотонами при соприкосновении с телом человека излучает волны длиной от 5 до 25 микрон, которые отражают клеточную энергию самого человека, возникают колебания в сосудах и капиллярах, происходит восстановление капиллярного кровотока, разжижение крови, усиление обмена веществ в клетке, снимаются сосудистые спазмы, улучшается питание клеток и тканей, устраняется боль, в результате чего достигается клинический эффект: выздоровление.
Камень, лежащий вне дороги, не может быть помехой, он просто камень. Только камни, портящие дорогу, могут быть помехами, но они же и знаки верного направления. А. Шевцов. "Введение в науку думать".
Вадим Асадулин вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 26-08-2010, 02:00   #29
Аватар для Вадим Асадулин
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Re: Голодание и китайская медицина

Рассуждение о жаре:
Камень, лежащий вне дороги, не может быть помехой, он просто камень. Только камни, портящие дорогу, могут быть помехами, но они же и знаки верного направления. А. Шевцов. "Введение в науку думать".
Вадим Асадулин вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 21-10-2010, 09:26   #30
Аватар для Вадим Асадулин
Регистрация: May 2008
Адрес: Иркутск
Сообщений: 3,572 Поблагодарил: 1,627
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Re: Голодание и китайская медицина

«Числа превращений дикой сливы мэй-хуа».
Первый том "Антологии древнекитайской эзотерики" включает в себя знаменитое апокрифическое руководство по традиционным гадательным практикам "Числа превращений дикой сливы мэй-хуа", примыкающее к корпусу классических комментариев к "И-Цзину", или "Канону перемен", а также мантические тексты, созданные на пересечении конфуцианской и даосской традиций - "Сонник Чжоу-гуна", "Рассуждение о ста заболеваниях" и "Характеристика двенадцати месяцев".
Все включенные в"Антологию" сочинения переведены известным московским синологом, специалистом по "И-Цзину" Б.Виногродским и публикуются на русском языке впервые.
Камень, лежащий вне дороги, не может быть помехой, он просто камень. Только камни, портящие дорогу, могут быть помехами, но они же и знаки верного направления. А. Шевцов. "Введение в науку думать".
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