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Дневники стремящихся к здоровому образу жизни Здесь размещают свои дневники веганы, сыроеды и все, кто стремится к ведению здорового образа жизни

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Старый 16-04-2019, 11:08   #51
Аватар для Nikolaivanych
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Re: Дневник Nikolaivanych

Дорогой друг Сергеев !
Тело человека слишком сложно для того, чтобы описывать его с помощью физики начальных классов. Попробуйте прочитать сообщение, воспользовавшись немного углубленным пониманием расчета мощности человека.
Полезной мощностью называется скалярная величина, равная отношению работы ко времени, за которое она совершена.
Затраченной мощностью (мощность энергозатрат) называется скалярная величина, равная отношению затраченной энергии ко времени, за которое она израсходована.

Для измерения работы человека применяют приборы, называемые эргометрами. Например, велоэргометр предназначен для измерения полезной работы и мощности при езде на велосипеде. Для этого через обод колеса, которое вращает испытуемый, перекинута стальная лента. Сила трения между лентой и ободом колеса измеряется динамометром. Вся работа испытуемого затрачивается на преодоление трения. Умножая длину окружности колеса на силу трения, находят работу, совершенную при каждом обороте. Зная число оборотов и время испытания, определяют полную работу и среднюю мощность.
Так понятно?

Прошу не продолжать обсуждение вопросов физики в этой теме.
Данная тема информирует об интересных (с моей кочки зрения) вопросах "биохакинга".
Пожалуйста, не доверяйте мне. Я всего лишь инструмент в ваших поисках знаний. Моя цель - помочь вам, но вы должны проявлять должную осмотрительность.
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galla (16-04-2019), infinity (14-06-2019), Лара-М (11-09-2019), ТДП69 (12-08-2019)
Старый 13-06-2019, 22:44   #52
Аватар для Nikolaivanych
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Re: Дневник Nikolaivanych

Цитаты о физических нагрузках

Популярны стали пробежки — для предотвращения сердечных заболеваний, а эксперты любят сообщить, сколько же километров должен пробежать человек, чтобы сжечь полкило жира. А вот в России физиологи всегда помнят, что в вычислениях следует учитывать мозг, и оказалось, что приятная прогулка по интересным местам потребляет больше энергии, чем более тяжелые, но скучные упражнения. Активный мозг требует огромного количества топлива.

Физические упражнения, также как и старение, ожирение и диабет, повышают уровень циркулирующих свободных жирных кислот и лактата. А вот обычная деятельность целостного типа организованно активирует все системы, увеличивая концентрацию углекислого газа, циркуляцию и эффективность. Среди различных упражнений в отношении митохондрий выделяют как разрушительные, так и репаративные; «концентрическая» мышечная работа считается восстановительной. Как я понимаю, это означает сокращение с нагрузкой и расслабление без нагрузки. Так работает сердце, и этим можно объяснить наблюдение, что в процессе обычного старения митохондрии сердца не меняются.

Считается, что у элитных спортсменов «хорошие гены», и что упражнения способствуют крепкому здоровью; однако, этим представлениям требуется корректировка, поскольку у элиты и зимних, и летних видов спорта, в том числе у участников Олимпийских игр, очень высокая заболеваемость астмой, примерно в три раза выше, чем у обычных людей, и это факт.

В состоянии покоя мышцы потребляют главным образом жиры, поэтому в деле борьбы с накоплением жира важна относительно большая мышечная масса.

Перевод Ели Кирилловой
Пожалуйста, не доверяйте мне. Я всего лишь инструмент в ваших поисках знаний. Моя цель - помочь вам, но вы должны проявлять должную осмотрительность.
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E_Lena (14-06-2019), galla (14-06-2019), infinity (14-06-2019), Аркадьевна (03-08-2019), Лара-М (14-06-2019), Мария11 (10-10-2019), Репа (14-06-2019), ТДП69 (12-08-2019)
Старый 24-07-2019, 08:13   #53
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Re: Дневник Nikolaivanych

RAY PEAT: Health And Diet - 4 Dec 2013 Питание и Здоровье

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Q: what kind of things do you test or do?

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RP: It is always different, the basic thing is to look at the person as a unique case, and their whole history, and look at what their aims are as well as their origins. You can often find out what the problem is by what they have been doing, and how their development has gone. They will pretty much know what is wrong with them better than doctors do.

Doctors tend to indoctrinate the person to believe that they have what has been diagnosed within them. If you look at them as an individual, very often that is not the problem at all

Q: Deep down, the patient often knows what is going wrong?

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RP: Yes, very often better than doctors. A doctor will know take their blood pressure and diagnose hypertension, but that isn’t necessarily what was bothering them. Increasingly, high blood pressure is an invention of the pharmaceutical industry, and never would hurt the person within the range that they are considering a sickness. The actual figures show that even by medical standards, accidents of misjudgments by the medical industry, are killing 100s of 1000s of Americans each year, and if you interpret the evidence looking outside of hospitals (that’s just hospital accidents), it’s close to 1mil people per year, even by conventional medical standards, who are being killed unnecessary accidents

Q: so 160 over 100, are you saying that that’s not an issue?

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RP: Occasionally, for it to get up to 160 over 90 isn’t bad, but that same person if you look at them in the afternoon when not listening to the news or something that irritates them, they may be 140 over 90 which is perfectly OK for a middle-aged person.

In the morning when they have dehydrated in the night, their blood will be thicker and they may be 150 every morning, but if it goes down to 130 in the afternoon that’s perfectly healthy.

Q: Is 110 over 60 even better, for someone 40/50/60?

RP: Well, sometimes it isn’t, sometimes it is. The drug companies have convinced doctors that 140 over 90 is a serious problem, but it isn’t.

Q: Are we all that different? Eg I would do nicely on meat and vegetables, and someone else may do better on brown rice 4 times per week.
Мы все такие разные? Например, я люблю мясо и овощи, а кому-то другому может лучше коричневый рис 4 раза в неделю.
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RP: We are a very tough organism compared to rats, for example. We can stand a tremendous stress that other animals could not stand for many reasons. Our high metabolic rate and a big brain, powerful glandular system, give us a great adaptive ability. You can see in areas which have lived for many generations on a certain type of diet, that their health shows that objectively that their diet isn’t good or that their diet is missing something.
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Мы очень сложный организм по сравнению с крысами, например. Мы можем выдержать огромный стресс, который другие животные не могли выдержать по многим причинам. Наш высокий уровень метаболизма и большой мозг, мощная железистая система, дают нам большую адаптивную способность. Вы можете видеть области, в которых люди жили в течение многих поколений на определенном типе диеты; их здоровье показывает, что объективно их диета не хороша или что в их диете чего-то не хватает.

Q: What would be a good example of that?
Приведите пример здорового питания?
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A: Some of the nearly vegetarian villages in Africa in South America and Africa, people are very badly and are dying off by the time they are 40 of infectious diseases. The explorer who, about 80 years ago, who was studying the diet of the eskimos, they observed that they could avoid scurvy by eating an entirely meat diet, and he popularized the idea that you don’t need fruits and vegetables, because meat is a good source of Vitamin C. But he himself observed that the people eating that traditional high meat diet, eskimos, looked very prematurely aged, and in the last 2-3 years that is being explained as phosphate poisoning. The ratio of phosphate to calcium, when it’s too high, accelerates degeneration.
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Некоторые люди из почти вегетарианских деревень в Африке в Южной Америке и Африке, выглядят очень плохо и умирая имея 40 инфекционных заболеваний. Исследователь, который около 80 лет назад изучал рацион эскимосов, заметил, что они могут избежать цинги, употребляя полностью мясную диету, и он популяризировал идею о том, что вам не нужны фрукты и овощи, потому что мясо является хорошим источником витамина С. Но он сам заметил, что люди, употребляющие эту традиционную диету с высоким содержанием мяса, эскимосы, выглядели очень преждевременно старыми, а в последние 2-3 года это объясняется как отравление фосфатами.Соотношение фосфата к кальцию, когда оно слишком велико, ускоряет дегенерацию.

Q: How do you get too high phosphate?
Как мы получаем слишком много фосфатов?
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RP: A pure grain diet or pure meat diet, either one. Vegetarians or meat eaters, causing the same kind of inflammatory toxic reaction.
Чисто зерновая диета или чисто мясная диета, любая. Вегетарианство или мясоедство вызывающие одинаковую воспалительную токсическую реакцию.

Q: SO most people should look at if they are going to eat meat, to also do some grains?
Если человек ест много мяса, то он должен есть много зерновых продуктов?
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RP: No the grains are just as bad as the meat as a phosphate source.
Нет, зерновые так же вредны как и мясо слишком высоким уровнем фосфатов.
The ruminants who live on leaves by preference, they have an extremely high ratio of magnesium and calcium to phosphorous, and so their milk is pretty safe ratio, about 1 and one-third calcium per phosphate. But vegetarians who either eat a lot of fruit or who cook their greens, there are some diets up in the high altitude areas of Asia and South America, there have been people who eat lots of cooked greens, as well as sheep or goats cheese and milk, that’s a very longevity supporting diet.
Однако вегетарианцы, которые либо едят много фруктов, либо готовят свою зелень, в некоторых высокогорных районах Азии и Южной Америки, которые едят много приготовленной зелени, а также овечий или козий сыр и молоко, живут очень долго на такой диете.

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Q: so cooking greens, Kale, cabbage, broccoli is a good thing?

RP: Yes we can’t digest them in the raw form, just because the cellulose encloses the nutrients and makes them inaccessible to our enzymes. There was a study about 1945, there was a study about loss of nutrients in canned vegetables, so they fed one group of rats vegetables out of cans, and another group, fresh vegetables of exactly the same kind, and the ones eating the canned vegetables thrived, and the ones eating the raw vegetables couldn’t digest properly enough to grow

Q: is there anything going on if you have a nice big raw salad?

RP: Some people have a very vigorous peristalsis, and they can get it through, and it sweeps out their intestine, and that can be a very good effect, because the liver puts out some of it’s toxins in the bile and tries to get rid of the toxins by excreting them through the intestine. But if you have a sluggish bowel and not much moving through it, the intestine reabsorbs those toxins so they recycle, and many toxins accumulate, especially Estrogen. The liver should make all of the estrogen experiences into a soluble form and excrete them. If you don’t have bulk or movement in your intestine, you reabsorb those, and that messes up your whole endocrine system. People with good physical function and good Thyroid activity, so the intestines are active, the fibers will take down the toxins, but because the raw or undercooked vegetables, can be attacked by bacteria, if they stay in the intestine too long, and the bacteria produce toxins, many people by the time they are in their 30s, will start to have digestive problems if they are eating salad every day.

And it happens that root vegetables such as carrots have to defend themselves against bacteria and fungus in the soil, so they have powerful antibiotics, and raw carrots will go right through you without being digested and without being attacked significantly by bacteria or fungus. Leaves, if for example you put a wad of lettuce into a bag, and put it in your pocket for a few days, and carrots in another bag, and keep them at body temperature for a few days, the carrots are in pretty good condition despite being sealed and warm, but the lettuce will probably be rotten and foul.

Q: the same thing happens to folks who don’t move it through in quick transit time?

RP: yes, and the great interest in fibre that developed in the USA, partly there was a trend in 1900, but it came back with the oat bran publicity in the 1970s. But the person who had studied the role of fibre in preventing bowel cancer in Africa, came to the US and asked why everyone was eating oat bran? He was talking about cooked potatoes in the diet, which are a great and pretty safe fibre.

Australian studies found in particular that oat bran promoted bowel cancer in rats

Q: Are cooked potatoes good? Sweet potatoes?

RP: Very good. New Guineans live on basically the traditional diet of almost pure potatoes for 51 weeks per year, and one week of pork feasts. They did not have any heart disease, not a high rate of cancer or any degenerative disease.

Q: I have always though of potatoes turning to sugar, would there be issues with the heart?

RP: All the starches do turn to sugar, but the other ingredients in potatoes are very different to cereals. The cereals are a storage form that has to be dormant for several months until the next season. The potato is always moist and metabolizing, and so it’s always in a physiological state, not concentrated and dehydrated. This means that it has a good balance of all of the intracellular minerals associated with the starch, so you have a better balance of phosphorous and calcium than in the seeds. The phosphorous in the seed is in the form of phytic acid, or a similar thing that binds minerals, which means the minerals are concentrated in this Phytic acid, this means when it sprouts, it becomes relatively good nutrition. But a potato is always in that living state, with granules of starch within a function themselves.

Q: Issues with nightshades?

RP: They are allergenic, nutritionally potatoes are almost a perfect food, but the whole family of potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant are allergenic.

Q: how do we know if we should be eating those?

RP: If you lay off them for a week, you will see if your symptoms subside

Q: If you don’t have any symptoms and you eat a potato, sweet potato, what kind of symptoms would you get to give you a clue of allergy?

RP: Well Sweet potato are a special issue, if they are orange coloured, the carotene interferes with the breakdown of the starches, and they are likely to be more fibrous than a white potato, so a sweet potato can cause a lot of gas, because it’s slow to digest because of the carotene.

Q: a white potato is preferred to a sweet potato?

RP: Yes, for ease of digestion. The protein quality in any potato is higher than the protein quality of an egg, so you can’t look at a chart which shows 2 or 3 parts of protein for 1 of starch, because most of the protein value is present in the form of small molecules that are equivalent to the essential amino acids, so they don’t show up in the analysis of protein, but when you eat it it counts as better than egg protein.

Q: It’s OK to put butter on?

RP: Especially with butter on, because pure starch digests quickly, it turns into pure glucose rather than half fructose, and the pure glucose is a strong stimulant to insulin creation and fat production. Adding butter or cream slows digestion, isn’t such a powerful insulin stimulant, it also reduces the chance of “persorption” of starch granules. A starch granule is a potato happens to be very big, other starch granules are the size of a red blood cell, but even the large potato starch granules bigger than cells can get squeezed right through the wall of the intestine, and enters the lymphatic system, so 30 minutes after ingestion you can see starch grains circulating through the blood and if they are big they will plug up your arterials. Studies in mice showed that a raw starch diet accelerated their aging, demonstrates areas of every organ that were being killed by plugging up the arteries,

Q: so the fat is key to have with starches?

RP: yes, good thorough cooking plus some fat

Q: For a couple of years we have been hearing the negativity of grains, rice, Wheat Belly etc. Should we eat grains? Do we need them?

RP: they are relatively nutritionally deficient food, but if you need their calories that’s they basic value. Traditionally, wheat in Asia and corn in Americas were processed by boiling the seed either in lye made from Ashes, or in active Calcium Hydroxide, to break down the toxic components, you can get somewhat the same effect by sprouting the grains, but the traditional, quick and tasty method was to boil it in the alkali. Most people know hominy, alkali-treated corn, when you grind up hominy, you make the traditional tortilla or Molle, and if people eat their corn or wheat in that form , they aren’t susceptible to pollegra (?) for example, because niacin is created in the treatment, and it lowers the problem of too much leucine in the diet from the corn, so it nutritionally corrects the natural problems of the grain. Separately from those ancient processes, the Europeans for generations processed their flour for generations to let yeast grow to soften it. The process of softening it and letting yeast grow takes about 12 hours, at a moderate room-temperature, and in that process, enzymes break down the storage proteins that are so allergenic, and release the minerals from the storage forms like phytic acid, and the traditional leavened bread was much richer in B vitamins, proteins and if you eat your grains without any of those old processes, you are going to have the lack of those positive nutrients, as well as the excess of phosphate.

Q: IN China and Japan, the 1000s of tons of white rice, is it a pure calorie thing?

RP: Yes, in much of the world, calories are the thing that keeps people alive.

Q: So it’s keeping them alive, not necessarily nurturing them?

RP: no, it’s not an ideal food except when you are really hungry.

Q: if we wanted to use rice to gain weight, how could we prepare rice?

RP: If it hasn’t been either roasted or irradiated, if it’s still alive, you can just soak it for a few hours, it gets softer and less starchy and more nutritious, the enzymes that are breaking down the toxic stuff , are releasing nutrients but also synthetizing new forms of proteins, the storage forms of proteins are almost always irritating, or allergenic, or toxic, but as the enzymes process them, they turn into living enzymes and structural proteins just like the plants.

Q: So soaking does the trick, makes them a better food?

RP: Yes. It’s especially good for promoting fat production. If you are having enough protein with it, the insulin can stimulate muscle-building.

Q: would you eat protein with that meal?

RP: Yes, you should always have some kind of carbohydrate with protein.

Q: Does broccoli count?

RP: yes, but pretty starchy. The trouble with a pure meat diet, is your blood and brain needs sugar, and your body is always going to produce some sugar /glucose, and if you are eating a pure meat or protein diet, your body is going to turn some of that into glucose, and some into fat for energy. But the process of breaking down protein to make sugar is also going to affect your own physiology.
A woman was told to eat more protein because her urine contained a lot of amino acids, her consumption went up to 3 pounds of meat per day. And she was getting weaker as well as fatter, because her cortisol production was extremely high, because that’s involved in turning amino acids into sugar.

Q: so if people have been told they have weak adrenals, bad blood sugar, what are good foods?

RP: The main thing that keeps blood sugar stable is the ability of your liver to store sugar, wherever it got it, it needs Thyroid hormone to store sugar, it also makes you use your sugar more sparingly, producing many more times of ATP molecules per unit of food, you get if you metabolise it into lactic acid which you do when you don’t have enough Thyroid. Thyroid makes you spare your glucose, not waste it, and store it in the liver, so it’s the basic thing for stabilizing your blood sugar. If you have cholesterol, which is only produced if the liver is in good condition, low cholesterol is behind serious adrenal failure, because raw cholesterol is raw material all of Pregnenolone, progesterone, DHEA, and cortisol. If your cholesterol is low and thyroid is low, you can’t make any of these. If you don’t make enough of these other steroids, then you will turn any trace of cholesterol into Adrenaline or Cortisol and get ecess cortisol, so you can get either adrenal failure or adrenal over activity, as a result of having a sick liver or any underactive thyroid.

Q: Is 220 a good sign of a strong Thyroid?

RP: Yes, anywhere 160-230 is good, but if your Thyroid is very active your cholesterol will probably go down to 200 or 190. There is this mirror-image relationship behind cholesterol and thyroid function.

Q: are you a supporter of using some kind of natural pig thyroid?

RP: Yes, when someone ahs been poisoned by stress and a bad diet, many things interfere with the ability to form and use Thyroid hormone. PUFAs will interfere both with production, transport and ability to respond to it, through poisoning of the mitochondria that use it. When you are under stress, byt the time person is about 30 years old, their tissues have had time to store PUFA, even if they are not eating very much in the diet, the body preferentially oxidises saturated fats and sugar, and puts the PUFA into storage. SO when you are stressed and over 30, your blood will fill with PUFA, which blocks Thyroid function as well as production of protective steroid hormones

Q: what are PUFAS?

RP: Liquid cooking and salad oils are mostly unsaturated. Corn oil, canola, safflower, seed oil, fish oil, all are anti-Thyroid

Q: Even a good fish oil?

RP: Yes, the fish oils happen to be so unstable, they were used as varnish, they were easier to oxidise than soy oil. The same thing happens in the body, in the 1960s they were seeing when feeding too much fish to farmed animals, they got what was called “yellow fat disease” caused by the breakdown of PUFAs.

It came out in the 1970s that the seed oil had been promoted to lower cholesterol, like corn oil etc, it turned out that they were causing heart disease as well as cancer, so that opened up the market for fish oil like EPA and DHA from fish oil. Their good feature is that they break down so fast that they aren’t so easily stored to become a chronic problem like the more stable seed oils.

Q: do we need these DHAs? Or will we make them. Do we need flax, primrose, etc

RP: There is no definite clear evidence that any of these are essential fatty acids. The best thing I can say about the fish oils, or n-3 fatty acids, is that they can protect to some extent against the n-6 seed oils. But in themselves they have been associated with causing increased metastatic cancer, reduced brain size, brain edema, all of the degenerative conditions such as slowed conductions of the nerves. Some of these are turned into virtues like immune suppression, which is normally a bad thing. You can suppress your immune suppression which is a temporary reduction in inflammation. They also slow conduction, so in some conditions you can reduce arhytmia of the heart because you are desensitizing the heart, but it also slows your nerve conduction, and we don’t hear much in the mass media about the bad effects of the long fish oils.

Q: What about Olive, Coconut?

RP: these are safest, along with butter

Q: Male, hypothyroid, have been on T3 an T4 for 18 months. I have increased a lot of body fat last few years. What is a safe way to lower estrogen, prolactin, etc while keeping Free Fatty Acids low? Should I take Vitamin E to protect against prostaglandins?

RP: one thing that often surprises people who want to lose weight is that milk drinkers as a group are the least likely to be fat. I first saw this when travelling. In Russia, tremendous rate of obesity, their diet was heavy on bread and they had a terrible milk supply. I went across the border to Helsinki and all the people there were slim, and their stores were full of cheese and milk, and that started me thinking about the role of calcium and dairy products in preventing obesity and degenerative diseases. It turns out that calcium is a major factor in itself in preventing the inflammation process which is important in turning on the fat storage.

Q: OK with cow dairy milk and cheese?

RP: yes it’s the best practical calcium because of the very high calcium to phosphate ratio

Q: I was recommended by you to drink Orange Juice to increase pregnenolone production.

RP: I always recommend drinking orange juice and milk because of the sugar and the anti-inflammatory ingredients in the orange juice, the high mineral content.

Q: so orange juice is a good food in your opinion?

RP: Yes, these minor ingredients, naringenen for example, are important anti-estrogen and anti-inflammatory foods, they will probably turn out to be major supplements when the orange industry finds a way to concentrate them cheaply out of the peelings.

Q: I heard that orange juice is too much sugar?

RP: It comes with these high potassium which works to dispose of the sugar safely and safe magnesium and calcium which help to stabilise the blood sugar.

Q: I feel hypothryroid unless I take Thryroid regularly, this seems to be my only side effect although I have problems with OJ, If I drink a quart I feel like I drop several degrees. I also feel that the juice collects in my stomach.

RP: this is where milk or cheese is very important to keep the metabolic rate up and watch the Thyroid function. There are several ways without having a blood test that you can make a pretty good guess about what your Thyroid is doing. If your hands and feet are cold, or colder than others, it’s because your adrenaline is holding your temp up for your brain and heart by cutting the circulation to your extremities.

Body temps in general are good, but cold extremities are the first sign of failing thyroid function.

Q: if a benign fatty tumor or lymphoma is inflamed tissue that is gathered to protect the body from improper diet or drugs, what is some way to melt the enclosed fat in order to shrink the lump, which is about 1 cup in size.

RP: I have known quite a few people with sizeable lymphomas, maybe none that big, but I don’t think anything is clearly known. I think that some kind of systemic inflammatory response is involved, making it hard for the body to clear that out, but I don’t know of any reliable way other than a simple surgery have it cut out.

Q: Do you think sugar had a huge effect on hot flashes, it may be worse when I have more sweets.

RP: no, there have been studies where people would eat a huge amount of corn starch at bed time, and that would turn off their hot flashes at night, how it works is pretty well worked out, not well publicized. There have been studies demonstrating the flushing, especially around menopause, this periodic flushing involves the release of nitric oxide in the blood vessels causing vasodilation, causing heat loss, the brain has a temp regulator which activates nitric oxide to create this heat loss, because something is creating this thermostat in the brain to a lower temperature. The brain is telling the body to cool off even though it is already sub-optimal temperature. The stress apparatus, normally the pituitary and adrenals, but above the pituatary, there is the corticotrophin release hormone (CRH)in the hypothalamus, which turns on the whole stress system, this CRH, directly activates the nitric oxide in the blood vessels causing flushing. The things that turn on the stress reaction and primarily related to hypoglygaemia. If the brain senses that it’s not getting enough sugar, then it wants to hibernate, reduce the body temperature, so it doesn’t waste the sugar that it’s short of. If you can tell your brain that it’s not short of sugar, that will suppress the CTH and that will stop turning on the nitric oxide and turning on the flushing.

Q: I’m a 60 year old man, often I have a 60 minute panic attack, I feel like I’m going to die. How can I find route cause?

RP: Hyperventilation is often involved in that, and a hormone imbalance, and checking the Thyroid and probably having a blood test for all the steroids (DHEA, Pregnenolone, progesterone, and cortisol).

When progesterone is low or estrogen is high, that causes hyperventilation, and when you start hyperventilating, the loss of CO2 causes your blood cells to release serotonin, and other nerve transmitters, that cause all kinds of nervous and emotional effect.

Q: does breathing into paper bags work?

RP: Yes I’ve seen people lower their blood pressure in 2-3 days and never have another problem of eg 160 over 90, with bag breathing a few times a day for several days. You fully cover your face so no fresh air comes in, and you breathe for up to a minute before it gets oppressive where you have used up the oxygen and you are breathing pure CO2. Only do it until it is uncomfortable. Each time you do this, it teaches your brain to reset things and tolerate a little more CO2 and acidity, and in 2-3 days you can train your brain to hang onto more carbon dioxide, which improves circulation to the brain. The same effect you can get from baking soda in water. I have seen a couple of people have near instantaneous recovery from stroke, which opens up the blood vessels in the brain.

Q: The CO2 that you breathe opens the brain?

RP: Not only the brain, but also the mitochondria throughout your body so it’s making things more efficient

Q: When we breathe through mouth rather than nose at night, this can get rid of too much CO2 and this is a problem.

RP: yes the medical analysis is that people don’t breathe enough at night, but when you look at the blood chemistry the usual thing is that they hyperventilate during the night, because as their blood sugar is pushed down to sleep, their adrenaline comes up periodically and this makes them have in effect higher estrogen, higher inflammatory hormones which drives hyperventilation and blows off too much Carbon Dioxide. Then they don’t breathe for a while so they wake up feeling like they have died or have not been breathing enough . The best chemical for this is Diamox (Acetazolamide ) that causes the body to retain more carbon dioxide, it prevents the body from losing too much carbon dioxide which keeps it in the blood.

It’s well established as a cure for sleep Apnea, also used by skiers to prevent altitude sickness, because altitude sickness is a lack of CO2 not oxygen.

Q: is it more of a treatment than cure?

RP: Sometimes 2-3 days of a thyroid supplement is all a person needs, and their own gland will take over. Same with sleep apnea, sometimes they can get out of the stress, and reset. Usually though you have to work on finding why the hormones are going bad, especially at night, and get your blood sugar stabilized, get a good diet of enough protein and fruit and supplement the Thyroid as long as it’s needed.

Q: speaking of sleep, insomnia is an epidemic. Are there any particular foods that you have seen to help?

RP: Very practical thing is warm milk with 1 or 2 ounces of sugar or honey in it. The milk makes the sugar or honey absorb more slowly. The sugar lowers your adrenaline. The older a person gets, the more problem a person has with sleep hyperglycemia causing increased adrenaline and blood sugar problems. Old people who are told to take a blood pressure drug will often get worse insomnia as their blood sugar falls and their adrenaline goes up and sometimes just by eating enough sugar and salt during the day and a little extra at bedtime, sometime they can not only cure their insomnia but sometimes also their blood sugar is corrected enough that their blood pressure issues clears up. Milk keeps sugar in the blood for longer, or ice cream too.

What does Cloudy Urine indicate? Body wasting Calcium or Yeast Infection?
RP – lots of milk or high meat diet, the phosphate needs to be excreted and shows up in the urine, and precipitates in the presence of either magnesium or calcium.

It only precipitates if the pH is above a certain point. If you have a very high protein diet, most of the time your urine will be acidic, and it will be clear despite having a tremendous amount of phosphate in it. However when something raises the pH of your urine, which can be eating a lot of fruit or vegetables, or hyperventilating (if you blow out too much CO2, the pH of your urine goes up to keep your urine slightly alkaline), and when your urine pH is neutral or higher on the alkaline side, then any phosphate or calcium is going to precipitate and make your urine cloudy

Q: I recently started taking progest-E and it’s helped my cyclical moods. I have been taking it for days 14 and 21 of my cycle. I hate to stop taking it because I have PMS, moodiness , would there be harm in taking it for a while continuously even if I miss a period or two?

RP: ;I have known women who took it every day and kept cycling without any problems, but what they should be aware of is if you take a little extra just before the expected time of ovulation, it will trigger early ovulation, then if you stop taking it or take less, it will bring on an early menstruation. So if you take it every day then you need to take the same amount.

What about someone premenopausal, Every now and then in the cycle , and the period doesn’t want to come, you get bloated, is there anything you can do like safer herbs so you can feel better and have your period

RP: Behind the problem with the balance of Progest and Estrogen, the basic thing is almost always low thyroid. Some women will use a quick acting thyroid, so as soon as they get a symptom of PMS, they take a little quick-acting Thyroid medication, and they can adjust the hormones on a day-to-day basis that way. Other people increase knowing that they don’t want to have PMS, they will take a little extra of their glandular thyroid, starting at ovulation, and the opposite happens when the person if hypothyroid, they may not have any ovulation at all, or may have extreme and prolonged menstruation, and it’s a very reliable treatment for prolonged menstruation to get the right amount of thyroid, you can normally turn off hypothyroid excess menstruation within a couple of days with a supplement

Q: A quick-acting Thyroid is usually a prescription,

RP: yes, usually T3 such as Cytomel is a prescription

Q: this is pig or cow?

RP: No it’s purely synthetic but the same chemical as we make

Q: Why is burning sugar for fuel healthier for the human body than burning Ketones? How can fructose be used by the cells if the cells need glucose

RP: the body can exchange them. The Fructose enters the glycolysis process almost the same place as glucose, and is oxidized almost the same way that glucose is. And a lot of Doctors are saying that the brain and muscle and heart and scuh can’t use Fructose, but there is evidence to say that they do have the transporter so that the brain and heart can use fructose.

Ketones are good if you get them fom fruit and vegetables, but if you have to produce Ketones, they are only produced under stress in the body, so they are good if you can get them but hard to make them yourself.

Q: Why does the Budwig diet against cancer have so much use when they use Omega 3 oils, when RP has concluded the PUFAs are not good for us?

RP IN 1954, a professor from the university of Guadalajara, had an article in Prevention managzine, describing his success for using a purge for his laxative patients to get their intestine clean, this has been known for 3000 years that laxatives are helpful for cancer patients, because of the amont of toxins in the intestine. He used a cup of linseed or flaxseed oil, it would rush right through and clean out the intestine. Until that tine, Johanna Budwig had published as co-author of a couple of articles in a soap and fat journal, and wasn’t doing anything unconventional. Right after that article came out in Prevention Magazine, she started developing her theory of n-3 Fats, my theory was that she had gone insane when she stopped being a resea4ch assocaiate for the soap professor, and shortly after that several little booklets came out, published by a Disney subsid describing her theory in crazy terms. Anyone who is intetested in doing hr program, should get a look at those books, because they were radically changed when presented in English to make it sound way more sane than they were. Her diet consisited of mostly cottage cheese, or the equivalent curds, because of the low iron content and cottage cheese (both milk and cottage cheese are very good protective foods for people with cancer), fruits and milk because o f the low iron content, are good for cancer patients, but I think as far as the flaxseed oil can work as a laxative, it is beneficial, but when it is working as a food then it has the risk of suppressing your metabolism


Q: Ray’s opinions of Hans Niepe’s mineral transporters: why does no one talk about them any more?

RP: For one thing, we don’t really need mineral transporters, people like Gilbert Ling many years ago showed that the doctrine that the cell is enclosed in an impermeable or semi-permeable membrane simply isn’t so. When they got isotopes that they could actually see the type of sodium atom that was being added to a syetem, they could demonstrate that the sodium atoms were freely moving in and out of cells, there was no barrier function. This applies to all the dissolved mineral substances, there is just no barried there to deal with, so that is that basic thing is that we have no need for a mineral transporter

Q: Does Ray Peat know anything about the organic sulfur you have been talking about for last few months. I have been taking the sulfur with iodine lugols, my thyroid hormones have gone down, I need to know if the sulfur will take iodone out too, should they be taken at opposite ends of the day?
Should they be taken

RP: Too much Iodone is probably the problem. I have a lit of 70 articles from around the world looking at the incidence of thyroid cancer and thyroiditis, they say that above 0.5mg of iodine per day, chronically increases the incidence of the disease.

0.5 MG is not a lot.

RP: no, but this is over a period of many years of this amount.

Q: How many MG per drop of lugols?

RP: I think it’s a few milligrams

Q: I’m a follower of Mr Peats, I haven’t seen anything about uterine fibroids, what is his suggestions for getting rid of them. Peptase and other enzymes have not worked for me.

RP: Normalizing Thyroid is the best thing. I had an experience with a woman who was 40 at the time, and wanted to get pregnant, and had a fibroid plugging the uterus by the fallopian tubes, about the size of a tennis ball, and I explained the physiology to her, and got her confident that she knew what was happeneing, and she adjusted taking enough thyroid to keep her estrogen down while keeping her other hormones up, and it happened that he pulse averaged 110 per minute, and her doctor told her that she would die from keeping her pulse at that level, but she had an ultrasound every month ad every month that she kept her thyroid at that level, the Fibroid shrank. She started in march or April I think, and by August she was pregnant

Q: is a slowe pulse generally better?
Лучше медленный пульс?
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RP: No generally it is not
В основном - нет

Q: What could be wrong? Normally we’re told that it is. “I;ve been exercising a lot, and my pulse gets low around 50, after the rebounder”
Что может быть не так? Обычно нам говорят, что это нормально. "Я много тренировался, и мой пульс стал низким около 50”
RP: Very often it’s hypothyroid, very often long distance runners. [Q: oh low thyroid?]. Yes, if you put a person on a treadmill, and one experiment they had them walk so their pulse stayed 120 BPM. In less than an hour, their blood showed almost no T3. If a person is healthy, as soon as they rest for a day or so, their T3 is right where it should be, but if there is anything wrong with their diet, just that moderate amount of exercise can push your Thyroid lower and lower. One of the ways in which you can see the bad effect of a low pulse, is the difference between the top and bottom blood pressure is more than 50 points (it’s called the “Pulse Pressure”).
Очень часто это гипотиреоз, очень часто бегуны на длинные дистанции. [Q: о низкой щитовидной железы?]. Да, если вы посадите человека на беговую дорожку, и один эксперимент они заставили их ходить, чтобы их пульс оставался 120 ударов в минуту. Менее чем через час в их крови почти не было Т3. Если человек здоров, как только он отдыхает в течение дня или около того, их T3 находится там, где он должен быть, но если есть что-то не так с их диетой, просто это умеренное количество упражнений может подтолкнуть вашу щитовидную железу ниже и ниже. Одним из способов, с помощью которого можно увидеть плохой эффект низкого пульса, является разница между верхним и нижним артериальным давлением более 50(это называется “пульсовое давление”).
The systolic minus diastolic, should be 50 or less.
Систолическое минус диастолическое, должно быть 50 или меньше.

Q: if the pulse is less than 50, a low pulse that OK?
если пульс меньше 50, что нормально?
RP: Sometimes it goes from a big surge of pressure, like from a pressure of diastolic of 60 to 120, which is more than desirable.
Иногда это происходит от большого давления, например от давления диастолического от 60 до 120, что превышает нормальное.

Q: this would represent a low Thyroid?
И это представляет собой гипотериоз?
RP: yes, it could
Да, возможно

Q: so people who exercise a lot, isn’t our heart stronger if it’s beating less per minute?
Итак, люди, которые много тренируются, не развивают сердце, если оно у них бьется реже?
RP: Not necessarily you can give a person an anti Thyroid drug and their heart beat wil just keep getting lower and lower.

I have known people who had 40 or 50 pulse at rest, who were very miserable, when they got their resting pulse up to 70 or 80 they felt much better.
Не обязательно. Вы можете дать человеку анти тиреоидный препарат, и их сердцебиение будет просто становиться все ниже и ниже.

Я знал людей, у которых был 40 или 50 пульс в покое, которые были очень несчастны, а когда они получили свой пульс покоя до 70 или 80, то чувствовали себя намного лучше.

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Q: you shouldn[t do that on your won though, you should get someone who really knonws their stuff?

RP: You can often do it just by diet, avoiding foods which block your thyroid function, mostly in USA it’s PUFAs, I have known people who have been eating a pure soy diet, or a lot of cabbage and broccoli, and stopping this diet for a week or two it popped right back.

Q: What about broccoli or cauliflower, what about these cruciferous vegetables, if cooked are they OK?

RP: They are till slightly anitThyroid , but most people don’t have a problem. If you want to test what low thyroid feels like, you can juice broccoli or cabbage raw, and drink a glass or two per day and you will feel it.

Q; What are some things that boost Thyroid function.

RP: Milk, orange juice.

Q: I love orange juice, but I stay away, I have bought into that idea that too much sugar idea. But it boosts Thyroid function?

RP: Yes

Q: Can you talk about Hashimotos? Is that overactive or autoimmune Thyroid?

RP: It’s Hypothryoid, underactive Thyroid.

Q: But it’s autoimmune?

RP: So-called, most of the autoimmune antibodies are part of the recovery process. Any time you injure a tissue, the immune system will try to eat up the junk, it will treat the tissue like it’s been infected. So that’s why they started calling it Thyroiditis.

Q: So it’s not the immune system attacking your Thyroid, it’s doing what it’s supposed to do?

RP: Yes, if you block the Thyroid for some reason, then you need to stimulate it with some type of Thyroid stimulating hormone, and just that stimulation creates a type if inflammation, and if that goes on for too long, eg blocking it with too much iodine, too much PUFA, too much estrogen, then you immune system will come in and clean up some of the junk.

Q: You’re saying you can definitely OD on Iodone?

RP: Yes

Q: I’m 44 years olf, and the day before my period I start to get a headache, possibly due to lo progresterone, I have been doing Paleo Diet for over 3 years now, it has helped, any suggestions?

RP: Usually, some good tropical fruit and/ or organce juice, or milk and cheese, will get the Thyroid back to normal functioning. In the short run, there have been studies where just giving the synthetic Thyroid for 5-6 months, will correct the antibody problem in Hashimotos

Q: what if someone has a hard time with casein or lactose, can this be corrected?

RP: There is no lactose in cheese, so a lactose problem cheese will take care of it, preferably without additives

Q: The casein?

RP: it’s a good protein, has many good features. An even better protein, is the juice out of the potato. In a few extreme cases where someone had no digestion for any kind of ordinary protein, if they juiced some raw potatoes, and cooked it, they could instantly assimilate it, and got over their sensitivities for other proteins.

Q: Has this been an anti-cancer treatment somewhere?

RP: I haven’t’ heard about it, but it’s an amazing food.

Q: Bioidentical hormone replacement. What procedure would be best?

RP: It depends on what the person needs. That term can apply to test, Progest, DHEA, Thyroid, any of those. But it’s also applied to estrogen, and it happens that the most dangerous of the estrogens, Estradiol, is bio-identical, so it doesn’t make a difference if it’s bio-identical, you have to be very careful.

Q: What does Ray think about the Ketogenic diet? High fat, low carb, low protein. What about bulletproof coffee with oil and butter? And REFINED coconut oil?

RP: Keto diet is a matter of stress. Anything that stresses you can turn on ketones. It’s better to have some sugar, so you don’t make ketones. Ketones from fruit or potatoes are fine.

A lot of people tell me they are doing that, but cream in the coffee is so good and the butter and coconut oil just floats on surface, whereas the cream mixes well.

RP: expeller pressed Coco oil is the only stuff I have used, which was delicious for making coconut ice cream. But it happens to be allergeneic, if you have any stress problems, it’s better to use refined deodorized coconut oil

Q: What should I do to overcome to overcome radiation therapy, I had prostate treatement.

RP: There have been studies of people, 60 years after Hiroshima, in which they could still see inflammatory processes in the blood which could still be linked to the radiation, so it’s really a lingering inflammation which you have to deal with.

With that kind of radiation, nothing is placed in the body which eg Fukashima fallout, you have actual isotopes which stick in the body, and is a different kind of problem. The lingering effect of external radiation puts you into an inflammatory state, and the things we have been talking about, the good, high-energy foods, milk, cheese, helps to heal that. Keeping your Thyroid up, activates the repair system which lowers inflammation. Any time your energy falls, you move toward inflammation. Don’t hyperventilate, do everything to keep your blood sugar steady, the inflammation will gradually subside, the anti-inflammatory hormones, are all protective in their situation, but basically diet and thyroid are.

Q: What do you think about Brian Pescin’s claims that Omega 3s are unnecessary, that the parent oils are better to supplement rather than fish oil?

RP: Well he’s right about the fish oil, there is no evidence that it’s an essential fat, there is no evidence that I have seen that the PEOs (?) are either.

Q: What’s the best way to test for food allergies, regarding heart rate, my heart rate is 85 sitting down, 110 standing up, I was told I have “POTS”, my blood pressure is good but a bit on the low side, including Celtic sea salt in my diet.

RP: The blood tests are often mis interpreted, you can see reactions in the blood, it doesn’t often correlate with allergies. Testing for food allergies, leave that food out of your diet for at least a week, if the sympoms go away then you can guess that you’re allergic to it. There is no real chemical test for the allergic reaction.

RP :High estrogen affected the nervous syetme so that the Sympathetic is weak and the Parasympathetic is overactive, that is why women get varicose veins so much more often than men, especially around pregnancy, high estrogen weakens the wall of the vein, progesterone tones up the walls of the veins, when the into your legs then the heart has to beat faster. Progesterone nad Thyroid are the things needed to tone up your veins, and return the blood to the heart, so that the heart has a good strong beat.

Q: Any recommendations for healing the Vegas (?) nerve, to encourage the more parasympathetic nervous system?

RP: My last few newsletters have been talking about the problems of stress. For example learned helplessness, called “learned despair”, if an animal is restrained, and doesn’t have the experience of being able to escape, if they fall into a tank of water, a rat could drown in 4-5 mins, whereas a trained, exposed rat would swim for 2-3 days. And that is from too much of the parasympathetic system. I have been working out some of the things which happen after middle age, equivalent to learned helplessness, where the body has many problems that it can’t deal with, it starts shifting too strongly to the parasympathetic and when we go to bed at night, normally we don’t need to expend a lot of energy, so the Parasympathetic system lowers the blood sugar. After middle age the blood sugar can be lowered so much that the other side of the nervous system reacts with surges of adrenaline and cortisol, that’s where the degenerative things come in, but they can be triggered by compulsive, overactivivty of the parasympathetic and Vegas, in liver disease they found they can prevent fibrosis of the liver by cutting the Vegas nerve so that it doesn’t recah the liver, so you don’t want to over stimulate the parasympathetic.

Gulf War syndrome, a lot of it had to do with organo phosphate nerve gases, but a lot of people are being exposed to similar chemicals in insecticides, or in the air in the airliners, which comes from the lubricants in yhe air system which put a bit of nerve gases into the air, and all of these exposures are creating an overactive Vegas syndrome, so many people have something similar to the Gulf War syndrome. The drugs that the Army used to treat nerve gas poisoning (atropine) can be used for extreme cases for these learned helplessness situations.

Q: What is the underlying cause for sever allergies, runny nose, sneezing, is it low Thyroid, hgh estrogen or both, and how to correct this?

RP: It’s usually something in the intestine, not always something you ate in this meal, but often something you ate yesterday or day before, which is farther down your intenstine. Eating starts peristalsis, and eating moves the irritant down to a sensitive place in the system, and runny nose and sneezing are the main, most common symptoms, that kind of stimulation, one doctor showed that just pressure in the rectum can trigger migraines, runny noses, coughing, sneezing, even epileptic symptoms, just low blood sugar intensifies the reactions and makes those symptoms worse.

Q: is there such a thung as Thyroid resistance, reverse T3, which doesn’t show up on blood tests?

RP: It’s important to measure reverse T3 if you are going to measure the Thyroid hormones at all, you can’t interpret the T3 itself (the active hormone), unless you know much reverse T3 there is, because that can interfere with the active hormone, so you have to look at the ratio of Active to Reverse T3

Q: After eating peanuts, his mouth cracked, a lab said he has candida, currently using Benadryl

RP: If it lingers for a while, a nutritional deficiency may have been co lingering with the allergy, and a lot of B vitamin deficiencies can make sores around the mouth, and inflammation in the intestine can activate viruses to break out in the mouth and around the lips, so food allergy is often responsible for coated or cracked tongues. The Benadryl lotions are soothing, another ointment you can get at the drug store, benzocaine ointments, and similar local antiseptics, Benzocaine happens to be Antiseptic as well as anaesthetic, and will often clear up a little skin problem, whether it’s virus, germ or fungus

Q: Low Thyroid, on 120mg of Natruoid, but still experiencing many symptoms, where can she find help?

RP: People can email me, but if a particular brand of Thyroid doesn’t work, then it’s good to change brands. Proloid-S is available in many countries, Cynoplus and Cytomel, but lacks some of the potential allergens that some of the natural ones have. Also changing the diet to include more of the metabolic promoters such as Calcium, the anti-inflammatory foods.

Q: What happened to the book store and newsletter?

RP: Yes, when they re reprinted. People can still sign up for the newsletter

Q: What is the ideal diet for Type 2 diabetes? I am taking 100mg of L Tryptophan at night for sleep, shall I discontinue.

RP: There are articles on my site about Diabetes, explaining how the unsaturated fats are an essential problem in causing diabetes, and sugar is NOT a problem and has been used a s a cure, getting the right diet and making sure the Thyroid function is optimized are the basics. Aspirin is well-known to help to regulate blood sugar and help to lower inflammation, and the problems associated with diabetes.

Q: I keep getting Acne, how can I deal with it? I take chlorella, have saunas, make green smoothies, what can I do?

RP: Thyroid and Vitamin A are the basic things, but the skin and intestine are very closely related, so you want to make sure you aren’t eating any foods that aren’t well-digested, or can irritate your intestine, because that can contribute to inflammation or problems with excretions of fats and sweat.

Q: Talk about using the far infra-red sauna and niacin for Rosacea?

RP: Niacin sometimes refers to Nicotinic acid, and this happens to increase your histamine, serotonin and prostaglandins, so I don’t think it’s good for anyone to take Nicotinic Acid. And Niacinimide is a form of that same vitamin which is active in cells and doesn’t re;ease those inflammatory processes.

Q: natural ways to reverse high Prolactin levels

Sometimes Progesterone does, but Thyroid is the basic thing, Tryptophan and Serotonin happen to turn on a trigger that increases Prolactin and TSH, they tend to go together. If your Thyroid doesn’t respond adequately to the Rising TSH, it isn’t able to lower the Prolactin, a supplement of Thyroid is sometimes needed, without that sometimes increasing the salt in your diet or using B6 supplement can sometimes correct the Prolactin, B6 is involved in correcting the Serotonin/Tryptophan metabolism, so it doesn’t cause the inflammation, so it doesn’t cuse the high Prolactin

Q: in his 70s, lower Thyroid, muscle tone, estrogen etc. Eskimos eat 70% fat, so he did this, not cold any more, but often high adrenaline, and cannot gt back to sleep, my Cortisol is highest in the morning, can you explain what is going on here?

It’s normal – the Parasympathetic system at night lowers blood sugar, and that increases adrenaline, and finally it will increase your Cortisol, so normally everyone has highest Cortisol at Dawn, darkness is very stressful, Cortisol protects against the inflammatory processes at night. If you can keep the Cortisol and Adrenaline lower by what you eat at bedtime, or even snack on during the night. Having some fluid in the night helps to keep your blood fluid and circulating, so you are less likely to have a stroke in early morning. The thickened blood and higher cortisol in the morning are dangerous, so it’s good to start with orange juice to get fluid and minerals in your blood in the morning to get the Cortisol down.

Q: water in middle of night?
Ночью можно пить воду?
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RP: better than nothing, but sleep problem, try Orange Juice, Sweetened Milk, chicken Broth with Salt, will lower your adrenaline. There have been studies on people with hypertension and insomnia, who were on a low salt diet, and salt is very often responsible for very serious problems such as this.
лучше не пить, но если есть проблемы со сном - попробуйте апельсиновый сок, подслащенное молоко, куриный бульон с солью, это снизит ваш ночной адреналин (причина пробуждения - NI). Исследования на людях с гипертонией и бессонницей, которые были на диете с низким содержанием соли, и соль очень часто ответственна за очень серьезные проблемы, такие как эта.

Foods that lower adrenaline and Cortisol, are milk and sugar, orange juice, fruit, tropical fruit, gelatinous things like Consomme, not marrow bones, because of high iron content, just the gelatinous joints with tendons and cartilage, or tail bones. Not the hard bone with the marrow in it, you want the joins, too much iron in the marrow.
Продукты, которые снижают уровень адреналина и кортизола - это молоко и сахар, апельсиновый сок, фрукты, тропические фрукты, желатиновые продукты, такие как консоме, но не мозговые кости из-за высокого содержания железа, и только желатиновые суставы с сухожилиями и хрящами или хвосты. И не трубчатая кость с костным мозгом, а сустав, из за того, что слишком много железа в костном мозге.

Пожалуйста, не доверяйте мне. Я всего лишь инструмент в ваших поисках знаний. Моя цель - помочь вам, но вы должны проявлять должную осмотрительность.

Последний раз редактировалось Nikolaivanych; 25-07-2019 в 07:39.. Причина: Перевожу (через улицу)...
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Старый 08-08-2019, 02:27   #54
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Оладьи из сухого молока.

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"I put a recipe up somewhere here, will try to find it.
But roughly it's 1 cup skim milk powder, 1/3rd cup skim milk, 1 egg, a few tablespoons of sugar, blend them up and slowly fry in a pan in some coconut oil
It's 36grams protein per 100grams - so a cup is around 80grams of protein!
You can easily get 40 grams of protein, and a lot of carbs, for breakfast."

Стакан сухого обезжиренного молока, треть стакана обезжиренного молока, 1 яйцо, несколько столовых ложек сахара, смешайте их и медленно обжарьте на сковороде в кокосовом масле
Это 36 граммов белка на 100 граммов - так что чашка составляет около 80 граммов белка!
Вы можете легко получить 40 граммов белка, и много углеводов, на завтрак.

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Milk Powder Cookies:

*1 cup milk powder (Bob Mills NonFat)
*1/2 cup sugar
*2 eggs
*1/4 cup butter
*1 tsp vanilla
*1/2 tsp baking soda

Melt butter and sugar together on simmer. Mix all ingredients together. Put cookie size dough spaced one inch apart on parchment paper.

Cook for 8-9 min at 350 F.

Makes 12 Cookies

Сухое Молочное Печенье:

Ингредиенты :
*1 стакан сухого молока
*1/2 стакана сахара
*2 яйца
*1/4 чашки масла
*1 ч. л. ванили
*1/2 чайной ложки соды

Растопить масло и сахар вместе на медленном огне. Смешайте все ингредиенты вместе. Положите тесто в размер печенья на расстоянии одного дюйма друг от друга на пергаментной бумаге.

Готовить 8-9 мин при 180C.

Получается примерно 12 печенек
Пожалуйста, не доверяйте мне. Я всего лишь инструмент в ваших поисках знаний. Моя цель - помочь вам, но вы должны проявлять должную осмотрительность.
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galla (04-09-2019), Лара-М (08-08-2019), Мария11 (10-10-2019), ТДП69 (12-08-2019)
Старый 04-09-2019, 01:58   #55
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Scientists link 'hunger hormone' to memory in Alzheimer's study

Ученые связывают "гормон голода" с памятью
в исследовании болезни Альцгеймера

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Scientists at The University of Texas at Dallas have found evidence suggesting that resistance to the "hunger hormone" ghrelin in the brain is linked to the cognitive impairments and memory loss associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD).

The findings, based on observations of postmortem brain-tissue samples from Alzheimer's patients and on experiments with a mouse model of AD, also suggest a possible treatment strategy for the incurable neurodegenerative disorder that affects about 5.8 million older adults in the United States.

The research was published Aug. 14 as the cover article in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

"This is a proof-of-concept study, but we are very encouraged by the results," said Dr. Heng Du, associate professor of biological sciences at UT Dallas and corresponding author of the study.

Produced in the stomach, ghrelin sends signals to the brain that regulate energy balance and body weight. Often called the hunger hormone, it plays a role in appetite and meal initiation. But ghrelin also has been implicated in learning and memory.

The hippocampus region of the brain—crucial to learning, memory and emotions—is one of the first to suffer cell death and damage in Alzheimer's disease due to a toxic buildup of protein fragments called amyloid beta.

In a healthy hippocampus, ghrelin binds with proteins called ghrelin receptors, which combine with similarly activated receptors for the neurotransmitter dopamine. The two receptors then form a protein complex that helps maintain communication between brain cells and, ultimately, memory.

In the new study, Du and his colleagues found that amyloid beta binds to ghrelin receptors in the hippocampus, blocking their ability to combine with dopamine receptors.

"Our hypothesis is that this dissociation between ghrelin and dopamine receptors may be what is affecting cognition in Alzheimer's patients," Du said. "As the brain loses the function of ghrelin receptors due to amyloid beta, the body tries to compensate by increasing the production of ghrelin and the number of ghrelin receptors. But the amyloid prevents the receptors from functioning."

Du likened the condition to insulin resistance found in individuals with type 2 diabetes. In that disease, insulin receptors malfunction.

"To compensate, patients in the early stages of type 2 diabetes produce more insulin to bind insulin receptors," Du said. "But they become insulin-resistant. No matter how much insulin your body produces, the insulin receptors are unable to activate the downstream biochemical reactions needed to transport glucose from blood into cells.

"Similarly, based on our findings, Alzheimer's might be linked to ghrelin resistance."

Du said the new findings help explain why a recent clinical trial of a compound called MK0677—designed to activate ghrelin receptors in the brain—proved unable to slow the progression of Alzheimer's.

To test a different approach in their mouse model of AD, Du's team gave the mice MK0677 and another compound—SKF81297 to activate dopamine receptors—at the same time.

"When we gave these compounds simultaneously, we saw improved cognition and memory in the AD mice, and lesions in the hippocampus were reduced," Du said. "Activating both receptors at the same time was key; it restored the receptors' ability to form complexes. When this happens, we suspect the ghrelin receptor becomes protected and can no longer bind to amyloid beta.

"More research is needed, but targeting this mechanism might prove therapeutically useful."

Du, who has filed for a patent on the approach, said the team's findings suggest that Alzheimer's might be more than just a brain disease.

"As we age, we tend to experience changes in metabolism. These affect the heart and the gastrointestinal system, but maybe they also are affecting the brain by altering the ghrelin receptor," he said. "We know that even in the absence of dementia, many older people have memory problems, and this could be related to the dissociation between the receptors in the brain, even without the presence of amyloid.

"I'm starting to think of Alzheimer's as a systemic disorder, and that we should pay more attention to the metabolic and hormonal path of the disease."

Ученые из Техасского университета в Далласе нашли доказательства того, что устойчивость к "гормону голода" грелину в головном мозге связана с когнитивными нарушениями и потерей памяти, связанными с болезнью Альцгеймера (БА).

Полученные результаты, основанные на наблюдениях за посмертными образцами мозговой ткани у пациентов с болезнью Альцгеймера и экспериментах с мышиной моделью БА, также предполагают возможную стратегию лечения неизлечимого нейродегенеративного расстройства, которое затрагивает около 5,8 миллионов пожилых людей в Соединенных Штатах.

Исследование было опубликовано в 14 августa в качестве обложки статьи в журнале Science Translational Medicine.

"Это исследование является доказательством концепции, но мы очень воодушевлены результатами", - сказал доктор Хэн Ду, доцент биологических наук в UT Dallas и соответствующий автор исследования.

Произведенный в желудке, грелин посылает сигналы в мозг, которые регулируют энергетический баланс и массу тела. Часто называемый гормоном голода, он играет определенную роль в аппетите и инициации еды. Но грелин также был вовлечен в обучение и память.

Область гиппокампа головного мозга, имеющая решающее значение для обучения, памяти и эмоций, является одной из первых, кто страдает от гибели клеток и повреждения при болезни Альцгеймера из—за токсического накопления фрагментов белка, называемых бета-амилоидом.

В здоровом гиппокампе, грелин связывает с вызванными протеинами приемными устройствами грелина, которые совмещают с подобно активированными приемными устройствами для допамина нейротрансмиттера. Затем эти два рецептора образуют белковый комплекс, который помогает поддерживать связь между клетками мозга и, в конечном счете, память.

В новом исследовании Ду и его коллеги обнаружили, что бета-амилоид связывается с грелиновыми рецепторами в гиппокампе, блокируя их способность соединяться с дофаминовыми рецепторами.

"Наша гипотеза заключается в том, что эта диссоциация между грелином и дофаминовыми рецепторами может быть тем, что влияет на когнитивные способности у пациентов с болезнью Альцгеймера", - сказал Ду. "По мере того как мозг теряет функцию приемных устройств грелина должную к амилоиду бета, тело пытается компенсировать путем увеличение продукции грелина и числа приемных устройств грелина. Но амилоид препятствует функционированию рецепторов."

Ду сравнил это состояние с инсулинорезистентностью, обнаруженной у лиц с сахарным диабетом 2 типа. При этом заболевании нарушается работа рецепторов инсулина.

"Чтобы компенсировать это, пациенты на ранних стадиях сахарного диабета 2 типа производят больше инсулина для связывания рецепторов инсулина", - сказал Ду. - Но они становятся инсулинорезистентными. Независимо от того, сколько инсулина вырабатывает ваше тело, рецепторы инсулина не могут активировать последующие биохимические реакции, необходимые для транспортировки глюкозы из крови в клетки.

"Точно так же, основываясь на наших выводах, болезнь Альцгеймера может быть связана с резистентностью к грелину."

Ду сказал, что новые данные помогают объяснить, почему недавнее клиническое испытание соединения под названием MK0677, предназначенного для активации рецепторов грелина в головном мозге, оказалось неспособным замедлить прогрессирование болезни Альцгеймера.

Для того чтобы испытать различный подход в их модели мыши AD, команда Du дала мышам MK0677 и другую смесь—SKF81297 для того чтобы активировать приемные устройства допамина—в тоже время.

"Когда мы дали эти смеси одновременно, мы увидели улучшенные познавательность и память в мышах AD, и убытоки в гиппокампе были уменьшены," Du сказало. "Активация обоих рецепторов одновременно была ключевой, она восстанавливала способность рецепторов образовывать комплексы. Когда это происходит, мы подозреваем, что рецептор грелина становится защищенным и больше не может связываться с бета-амилоидом.

"Необходимы дополнительные исследования, но нацеливание на этот механизм может оказаться терапевтически полезным."

Du, который подал заявку на патент на подход, сказал, что результаты команды предполагают, что болезнь Альцгеймера может быть больше, чем просто болезнь мозга.

"С возрастом мы, как правило, испытываем изменения в обмене веществ. Они влияют на сердце и желудочно-кишечную систему, но, возможно, они также влияют на мозг, изменяя рецептор грелина", - сказал он. "Мы знаем, что даже при отсутствии деменции у многих пожилых людей возникают проблемы с памятью, и это может быть связано с диссоциацией между рецепторами в головном мозге, даже без присутствия амилоида.

"Я начинаю думать о болезни Альцгеймера как о системном расстройстве, и что мы должны уделять больше внимания метаболическому и гормональному пути развития болезни."
Пожалуйста, не доверяйте мне. Я всего лишь инструмент в ваших поисках знаний. Моя цель - помочь вам, но вы должны проявлять должную осмотрительность.

Последний раз редактировалось Nikolaivanych; 04-09-2019 в 02:01.. Причина: Enlarge your ....s
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Старый 10-10-2019, 00:43   #56
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Метаболической важности пост, сохраню дабы не затерялось

Re: Рыпанье
Сообщение от Spectator
Большинство хочет ускорить метаболизм, так что тебе типа повезло... А что на фруктоедении с метаболизмом было, ускорялся или замедлялся?[/I]
Ускорялся до небес (по началу). Жир фруктами снимало так, как ни на одном другом рационе. До скелета почти. Ну мы тут про это выше уже обсуждали - почему так. Я, правда, ел только кисло-сладкие фрукты, и почти никаких супер-сахаро-содержащих (бананы, хурма, виноград, сухофрукты и т.п.) Само собой, там и тотальный дефицит белка ещё был. Хотелось-то из грязи в князи. Без нормальной флоры чтобы откуда-то белок брался.

Потом, когда видимо истощение достигло какого-то критического уровня, я начал сильно мерзнуть (да, это еще как раз выпало на январь-февраль). А сильная мерзлявость говорит о снижении метаболизма и о проблемах со щитовидкой (гипотериоз).

Сообщение от ROM
А как определить быстрый или медленный метаболизм?
Чтобы получить цифры, нужны измерения в метаболической камере. Но обычно и без всяких цифр понятно: если человек худощавый, может обжираться любой калорийной пищей, сладким и жирным, постоянно хочет есть и не поправляется, то у него высокая скорость базового метаболизма. И наоборот, если поправляются от одного запаха еды, то базовый метаболизм дохлый.

Скорость базового метаболизма (Basal Metabolic Rate, BMR). Базовый метаболизм - он является, на самом деле, основным потребителем (до 70-80% от расхода энергии и больше), а вовсе не физ нагрузка и уж тем более не умственная. BMR показывает сколько энергии в день тело сжигает просто для того, чтобы жить, чтобы работали все органы и системы.
Пожалуйста, не доверяйте мне. Я всего лишь инструмент в ваших поисках знаний. Моя цель - помочь вам, но вы должны проявлять должную осмотрительность.

Последний раз редактировалось Nikolaivanych; 10-10-2019 в 01:22..
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Старый 10-10-2019, 00:52   #57
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Nutrition is the key to a healthy thyroid

The body not only needs specific nutrient to produce thyroid hormone, but to convert thyroid hormone into usable thyroid hormone for your cells. In addition, thyroid hormone is the only hormone in your body that has a hormonal influence on the 50 trillion cells in your body. Nutrition is the foundation for a healthy thyroid, healthy cells and overall well-being. Below are 3 examples of how this is true.

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Организм не только нуждается в определенных питательных веществах для производства гормона щитовидной железы, но и для того, чтобы преобразовать гормон щитовидной железы в полезный гормон щитовидной железы для ваших клеток. Кроме того, гормон щитовидной железы является единственным гормоном в вашем организме, который оказывает гормональное влияние на 50 триллионов клеток в вашем теле. Питание является основой для здоровой щитовидной железы, здоровых клеток и общего благополучия. Ниже приведены 3 примера того, как они действуют.

Selenium is perhaps one of the most important cofactors in thyroid hormone synthesis. Selenium acts as an antioxidant by building up enzymes that fight off free radicals produced by the thyroid. Secondly, there is an important enzyme called the deiodinase enzyme that is responsible for carrying out the conversion of inactive thyroid hormone T4 to active thyroid hormone T3. The diodinase enzymes are selenium dependent. Food sources: meat and seafood.

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Селен, пожалуй, является одним из важнейших кофакторов синтеза гормонов щитовидной железы. Селен действует как антиоксидант, образуя ферменты, которые борются со свободными радикалами, вырабатываемыми щитовидной железой. Во-вторых, есть важный фермент, называемый ферментом дейодиназы, который отвечает за преобразование неактивного гормона щитовидной железы Т4 в активный гормона щитовидной железы Т3. Ферменты диодиназы зависят от селена. Источники продовольствия: мясо и морепродукты.

Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin that is very important when it comes to thyroid function. Within the brain, Vitamin A and thyroid receptors work together to maintain proper function of thyroid hormone at the level of the pituitary gland. With a Vitamin A deficiency, the pituitary gland becomes insensitive to TSH. Food sources: liver, carrots, sweet potatoes and squashes.

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Витамин А является жирорастворимым витамином, который очень важен, когда речь идет о функции щитовидной железы. В головном мозге витамин А и рецепторы щитовидной железы работают вместе, чтобы поддерживать правильную функцию гормонов щитовидной железы на уровне гипофиза. При недостатке витамина А гипофиз становится нечувствительным к ТТГ. Источники пищи: печень, морковь, сладкий картофель и кабачковые - тыква, кабачок, цукини, баклажан.

Glucose is by far one of the most important nutrients for thyroid hormone conversion, and cellular energy metabolism. The amount of glucose in the liver cells regulates the enzymes that convert inactive thyroid hormone T4 to active thyroid hormone T3. Food sources: tropical fruits, starches (root veggies and squashes). By arming yourself with the right foods throughout the day, you will not only support thyroid health and hormone conversion, but support the overall well-being of your entire physiology.

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Глюкоза, безусловно, является одним из наиболее важных питательных веществ для преобразования гормонов щитовидной железы и клеточного энергетического обмена. Количество глюкозы в клетках печени регулирует ферменты, которые превращают неактивный гормон щитовидной железы Т4 в активный гормон щитовидной железы Т3. Источники пищи: тропические фрукты, крахмалы (корневые овощи (картофель, морковь) и кабачковые). "Вооружившись" правильными продуктами в течение дня, вы не только поддержите здоровье щитовидной железы и преобразование гормонов, но и поддержите общее самочувствие всей своей физиологии.

Пожалуйста, не доверяйте мне. Я всего лишь инструмент в ваших поисках знаний. Моя цель - помочь вам, но вы должны проявлять должную осмотрительность.

Последний раз редактировалось Nikolaivanych; 10-10-2019 в 08:57.. Причина: https://www.instagram.com/realfoodgangstas/
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Старый 14-10-2019, 05:04   #58
Аватар для Nikolaivanych
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Re: Дневник Nikolaivanych

Мозг и/или иммунная система способны узурпировать энергию/питание во время острого стресса, отбирая её у остальных частей организма потому, что сами мозговые и иммунные клетки никогда не становятся инсулинорезистивны!

Уровень пролактина в крови является диагностическим фактором почти при всех дегенеративных заболеваниях (особенно при аутоиммунных заболеваниях и раке), он повышается за счет бактериальных эндотоксинов и молочной кислоты в вашем рационе.

Большинство бактерий - даже так называемые «хорошие бактерии» - производят токсичные отходы.

Другая проблема с йогуртом и кефиром, конечно, состоит в том, что они содержат молочную кислоту. Даже обычная медицина признает опасность этого очень подстрекательского агента.

Ray Peat (?)
Пожалуйста, не доверяйте мне. Я всего лишь инструмент в ваших поисках знаний. Моя цель - помочь вам, но вы должны проявлять должную осмотрительность.

Последний раз редактировалось Nikolaivanych; 14-10-2019 в 07:40.. Причина: Добавлено
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Старый 12-11-2019, 05:32   #59
Аватар для Nikolaivanych
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Связь между уровнем холестерина и щитовидной железой

“Circumstantial evidenced convicted cholesterol as the villain in heart attacks for many years.
Finally the truth emerged when it was shown that indeed high cholesterol is frequently found
in heart attacks. However, evidence has been accumulating for 100 years indicating that the
real culprit is a thyroid deficiency, and cholesterol, which is usually increased in hypothyroidism,
is only an innocent bystander.” -Dr. Broda Barnes, MD, PhD
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«Косвенно,на протяжении многих лет, доказывалось, что осуждаемый холестерин
является злодеем в сердечных приступах. Наконец, правда появилась, когда было показано,
что действительно высокий уровень холестерина часто встречается при сердечных приступах.
Однако в течение 100 лет накапливаются данные, свидетельствующие о том, что реальным
виновником является дефицит щитовидной железы, а холестерин, который обычно повышен
при гипотиреозе, является лишь невинным свидетелем ».

“In other words, the thyroid has a profound effect on the liver. We have other evidence that a lack
of thyroid is accompanied by a sluggish liver. In the first place, it has been apparents for a century
that patients with myxedema (very low thyroid activity) have a yellowish tint to their skins. This
has been found to be due to the presence of too much carotene in the blood. The liver converts
carotene into vitamin A which is colorless. Under the administration of thyroid, the liver becomes
more active and the carotene soon disappears. In the second place, the cholesterol level in the
blood sis usually elevated in hypothyroidism. Thyroid administration will lower cholesterol, and
if too much is given, the cholesterol will fall below normal. The liver converts cholesterol into
bile salts which are eliminated in the bile; this process is the usual means of eliminating
excess cholesterol. The liver is sluggish in this function among thyroid-deficient individuals…
Since a sluggish liver is the most common cause of hypoglycemia, it should follow that the
hypothyroid patient is highly susceptible to low blood sugar.”
-Broda Barnes, MD, PhD and Charlotte Barnes
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«Другими словами, щитовидная железа оказывает глубокое влияние на печень. У нас есть другие доказательства того, что недостаток гормонов щитовидной железы сопровождается вялой печенью. Во-первых, в течение столетия было очевидно, что пациенты с микседемой (очень низкой активностью щитовидной железы) имеют желтоватый оттенок на коже. Было установлено, что это связано с наличием слишком большого количества каротина в крови. Печень превращает каротин в витамин А, который бесцветен. При введении гормонов щитовидной железы печень становится более активной, а каротин вскоре исчезает. Во-вторых, уровень холестерина в крови обычно повышен при гипотиреозе. Щитовидная железа регулирует уровень холестерина, и если его активно снижать, то холестерин упадет ниже нормы. Печень превращает холестерин в соли желчи, которые выводятся с желчью; Этот процесс является обычным средством устранения избытка холестерина. Печень вяло выполняет эту функцию среди людей с дефицитом щитовидной железы… Поскольку вялая печень является наиболее частой причиной гипогликемии, следует из этого, что пациент с гипотиреозом очень чувствителен к низкому уровню сахара в крови »

“By the mid-1930s, it was generally known that hypothyroidism causes the cholesterol level
in the blood to increase; hypercholesterolemia was a diagnostic sign of hypothyroidism.
Administering a thyroid supplement, blood cholesterol came down to normal exactly as
the basal metabolic rate came up to the normal rate.” -Ray Peat, PhD
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«К середине 1930-х годов было общеизвестно, что гипотиреоз вызывает повышение уровня холестерина в крови; Гиперхолестеринемия была диагностическим признаком гипотиреоза. При введении добавки для щитовидной железы уровень холестерина в крови снизился до нормального уровня, когда скорость основного обмена достигла нормального уровня »

“In the healthy organism, cholesterol is constantly being synthesized, and constantly
converted into steroid hormones, and, in the liver, into the bile salts that are secreted
to emulsify fats in the intestine. Thyroid hormone and vitamin A are used in the process
of converting cholesterol into pregnenolone, the immediate precursor of progesterone
and DHEA. Anything that interfered with these processes would be disastrous for the
organism. The supply of cholesterol, thyroid and vitamin A must always be adequate
for the production of steroid hormones and bile salts. When stress suppresses thyroid
activity, increased cholesterol probably compensates to some extent by permitting more
progesterone to be synthesized.

In very young people, the metabolic rate is very high, and the rapid conversion of cholesterol
into pregnenolone, DHEA, and progesterone usually keeps the level of cholesterol in the blood low.
In the 1930s, a rise in the concentration of cholesterol was considered to be one of the most
reliable ways to diagnose hypothyroidism (1936 Yearbook of Neurology, Psychiatry,
and Endocrinology, E.L. Sevringhaus, editor, Chicago, p. 533). With aging, the metabolic rate
declines, and the increase of cholesterol with aging is probably a spontaneous regulatory process,
supporting the synthesis of the protective steroids, especially the neurosteroids
in the brain and retina.” -Ray Peat, PhD
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«В здоровом организме холестерин постоянно синтезируется и постоянно превращается в стероидные гормоны, а в печени - в желчные соли, которые выделяются для эмульгирования жиров в кишечнике. Гормон щитовидной железы и витамин А используются в процессе превращения холестерина в прегненолон, непосредственный предшественник прогестерона и DHEA. Все, что мешало этим процессам, было бы губительным для организма. Запас холестерина, щитовидной железы и витамина А всегда должен быть достаточным для производства стероидных гормонов и солей желчных кислот. Когда стресс подавляет активность щитовидной железы, повышенный уровень холестерина, вероятно, в некоторой степени компенсируется за счет синтеза большего количества прогестерона.

У очень молодых людей скорость метаболизма очень высока, и быстрое превращение холестерина в прегненолон, DHEA и прогестерон обычно поддерживает низкий уровень холестерина в крови. В 1930-х годах повышение концентрации холестерина считалось одним из самых надежных способов диагностики гипотиреоза. По мере старения скорость метаболизма снижается, и повышение уровня холестерина при старении, вероятно, является спонтанным регуляторным процессом, поддерживающим синтез защитных стероидов, особенно нейростероидов в мозге и сетчатке ».

“High cholesterol compensates for low thyroid, keeping your pregnenolone, progesterone,
and DHEA up. Sugar allows you to dispose of free fatty acids by turning them into triglycerides
for storage. Free fatty acids activate stress hormones, which in turn cause the synthesis
of fatty acids, even from the breakdown of amino acids, derived from protein by the action
of cortisol. When cholesterol is that high, it’s almost always because of low thyroid activity,
and stored PUFA are probably the commonest cause of that. I think free fatty acids, and their
degree of unsaturation, would be the most meaningful blood lipids to test, but it’s easier
to test for cholesterol and triglycerides.” -Ray Peat, PhD
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«Высокий уровень холестерина компенсирует низкий уровень щитовидной железы, поддерживая уровень прегненолона, прогестерона и DHEA.
Сахар позволяет избавляться от свободных жирных кислот, превращая их в триглицериды для хранения.
Свободные жирные кислоты активируют гормоны стресса, которые, в свою очередь, вызывают синтез жирных кислот даже при расщеплении аминокислот, полученных из белка под действием кортизола.
Когда уровень холестерина настолько высок, что почти всегда бывает из-за низкой активности щитовидной железы, то накопленная ПНЖК, вероятно, является наиболее распространенной причиной этого.
Я думаю, что свободные жирные кислоты и степень их ненасыщенности были бы наиболее значимыми для анализа уровня липидов в крови, но тестировать холестерин и триглицериды легче ».

“In the adrenals, cholesterol passes quickly from pregnenolone to DHEA, in the ovaries it goes right from pregnenolone to progesterone.
T3 is responsible for the oxidative activity that governs the conversion of cholesterol.” -Ray Peat, PhD
«В надпочечниках холестерин быстро переходит из прегненолона в DHEA, в яичниках - из прегненолона в прогестерон.
Гормон Т3 отвечает за окислительную активность, которая определяет степень превращения холестерина»
Пожалуйста, не доверяйте мне. Я всего лишь инструмент в ваших поисках знаний. Моя цель - помочь вам, но вы должны проявлять должную осмотрительность.
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