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Старый 11-09-2008, 00:13   #1
Аватар для Вадим Асадулин
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Доказательная медицина о вегетарианстве.

Попытаюсь еще раз перевести неуёмные силы форума в научное русло, т. к. надоело читать сказки, например, в теме про рак и альтернативу.
Хотелось бы открыть научные темы по сыроедению вегетарианскому и мясному, но у меня нет ключевых английских слов для поиска в журналах.
С переводами прошу помощь энтузиастов.
J Natl Cancer Inst. 1996 Mar 20;88(6):340-8.
Premenopausal breast cancer risk and intake of vegetables, fruits, and related nutrients.
Freudenheim JL, Marshall JR, Vena JE, Laughlin R, Brasure JR, Swanson MK, Nemoto T, Graham S.
Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, State University of New York at Buffalo 14214 USA.
BACKGROUND: Given the international variations in breast cancer incidence rates and the changes in breast cancer incidence among migrant populations, it has been hypothesized that diet is a factor influencing risk of this disease. Many studies indicate that a diet high in vegetables and fruits may protect against breast cancer. PURPOSE: We conducted a case-control study of diet, including the intake of non-food supplements, and premenopausal breast cancer risk. We evaluated in detail usual intake of vegetables and fruits (each measured as the total reported grams consumed for all queried vegetables and fruit), vitamins C and E, folic acid, individual carotenoids, and dietary fiber with its components. METHODS: Case patients (n=297) were identified through pathology records from hospitals in Erie and Niagara counties in western New York. They consisted of premenopausal women 40 years of age or oder who were diagnosed with breast cancer from November 1986 through April 1991. Control subjects (n=311), frequency-matched to case patients on the basis of age and county of residence, were randomly selected from New York State Department of Motor Vehicles records. In-person interviews included detailed reports of usual diet in the period 2 years before the interview. Unconditional logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). RESULTS: There was a reduction in risk associated with high intake of several nutrients. With the lowest quartile of intake as the referent, adjusted ORs for the highest quartile of intake for specific nutrients were as follows: vitamin C (OR=0.53; 95% CI=0.33-0.86), alpha-tocopheral (OR=0.55; 95% CI=0.34-0.88), folic acid (OR=0.50; 95% CI=0.31-0.82), alpha-carotene (OR=0.67; 95% CI=0.42-1.08) and beta-carotene (OR=0.46; 95% CI=0.28-0.74), lutein + zeaxanthin (OR=0.47; 95% CI=0.28.0-77), and dietary fiber from vegetables and fruits (OR=0.48; 95% CI=0.30-0.78). No association with risk was found for beta-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, or grain fiber. Fruits were weakly associated with a reduction in risk (fourth quartile OR=0.67; 95% CI=0.42-1.09). No association was found between breast cancer risk and intake of vitamins C and E and folic acid taken as supplements. A strong inverse association between total vegetable intake and risk was observed (fourth quartile OR=0.46; 95% CI=0.28-0.74). This inverse association was found to be independent of vitamin C,alpha-tocopherol, folic acid, dietary fiber, and alpha-carotene.Adjusting for beta-carotene or lutein + zeaxanthin somewhat attenuated the inverse association with vegetable intake. CONCLUSIONS: In this population, intake of vegetables appears to decrease premenopausal breast cancer risk. This effect may be related, in part, to beta-carotene and lutein + zeaxanthin in vegetables. It appears, however, that, of the nutrients and food components examined, no single dietary factor explains the effect. Evaluated components found together in vegetables may have a synergistic effect on breast cancer risk; alternatively, other unmeasured factors in these foods may also influence risk.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8609642?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.P ubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DiscoveryPanel.Pu bmed_Discovery_RA&linkpos=3&log$=relatedarticles&l ogdbfrom=pubmed

Последний раз редактировалось Вадим Асадулин; 15-09-2008 в 06:27..
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Старый 11-09-2008, 02:56   #2
Аватар для Вадим Асадулин
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Re: Доказательная медицина о вегетарианстве.

Int J Cancer. 2007 Aug 15.
Salad vegetables dietary pattern protects against HER-2-positive breast cancer: a prospective Italian study.
Sant M, Allemani C, Sieri S, Krogh V, Menard S, Tagliabue E, Nardini E, Micheli A, Crosignani P, Muti P, Berrino F.
Department of Preventive and Predictive Medicine, Unit of Etiological Epidemiology and Prevention, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, Italy. milena.sant@istitutotumori.mi.it
Studies investigating the relation of diet to breast cancer have produced conflicting results. We hypothesized that dietary factors associated with breast cancer risk might differentially influence the HER-2 status of the cancers that develop, and investigated this hypothesis by analyzing the data of the ORDET prospective study. We analyzed 8,861 volunteer women residents of the Varese Province, Italy, for whom we had full data. By December 31, 2001, 238 cases had occurred in which HER-2 status was known. Four dietary patterns had been identified previously by factor analysis: salad vegetables (high consumption of raw vegetables and olive oil), prudent (cooked vegetables, poultry, fish), western (potatoes, meat, eggs, butter), and canteen (pasta, tomato sauce, wine). In our study, relative risks (RRs) of developing HER-2-positive and HER-2-negative breast cancers by tertiles of dietary pattern factor scores were assessed by multinomial logistic regression. The salad vegetables dietary pattern had a protective effect against HER-2-positive cancers (RR = 0.25, 95% CI 0.10-0.64, for the highest tertile; p(trend) = 0.001), much stronger than for HER-2-negative cancers (p(heterogeneity) = 0.039). This important finding that a salad vegetables dietary pattern protects mainly against a specific breast cancer subtype indicates that future studies on environmental/dietary risk factors should explicitly take account of the heterogeneity of breast cancer phenotypes.
Вадим Асадулин вне форума  
Старый 11-09-2008, 03:25   #3
Аватар для Вадим Асадулин
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Re: Доказательная медицина о вегетарианстве.

Public Health Nutr. 2001 Oct;4.
Food habits of young Swedish and Norwegian vegetarians and omnivores.
Larsson CL, Klock KS, Astrøm AN, Haugejorden O, Johansson G.
Department of Food and Nutrition, Umeå University, Sweden. christel.larsson@kost.umu.se.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of vegetarianism and compare food habits among vegetarian and omnivorous adolescents in Sweden and Norway. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study by questionnaire in Sweden and Norway to gather information about food habits. SETTING: The municipalities of Umeå and Stockholm in Sweden, and Bergen in Norway. SUBJECTS: In total 2041 ninth-grade students (578 from Umeå, 504 from Stockholm and 959 from Bergen), mean age 15.5 years, were included. The response rate was 95% in Umeå, 91% in Stockholm and 83% in Bergen. RESULTS: There was a significantly higher prevalence of vegetarianism in Umeå (15.6%) than in Stockholm (4.8%) and Bergen (3.8%). Vegetarians generally wanted more information about a healthy diet and vegetarian females ate dietary supplements to prevent deficiencies more often than omnivorous females (P < 0.01). The young male vegetarians more or less excluded animal products from their diet without changing their food frequency intake or modifying their dietary habits in other respects, while the young female vegetarians more often consumed vegetables and dietary supplements (P < 0.05). However, there was no difference between the intake of fruits/berries, alcoholic beverages, ice cream, sweets/chocolates and fast foods by vegetarians compared with omnivores. CONCLUSIONS: There were three to four times more vegetarians in Umeå than in Stockholm and Bergen. The food habits of the young vegetarians differed from those of omnivorous adolescents and also in some respects from previously published comparative studies of vegetarians' and omnivores' food habits. It is uncertain whether the health benefits shown in previous studies on vegetarianism will be experienced by this young generation of vegetarians.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11784414?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez. Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DiscoveryPanel.P ubmed_Discovery_RA&linkpos=5&log$=relatedarticles& logdbfrom=pubmed
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Старый 11-09-2008, 13:32   #4
Аватар для IrMa
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Re: Доказательная медицина о вегетарианстве.

Сообщение от Вадим Асадулин
нет ключевых английских слов для поиска в журналах.
Вадим, давно не виделись.

Что знаю:

vegetarianism, lactovegetarianism, lactoovovegetarianism, ovovegetarianism
raw foodism (реже rawism и raw food diet) - сыроедение
raw meat diet - мясное сыроедение
raw foodist - cыроед
fruitarian - фрукторианец
consumption of uncooked, unprocessed food - употребление неприготовленной, необработанной еды
organic food
industrially produced foods - продукты пром. производства
convenience food - полуфабрикаты
omnivorous - всеядный
carnivorous - плотоядный
raw animal foods - сырые продукты животного происхождения
digestive enzymes - пищеварительные энзимы
food energy - пищевая (энерг.) ценность
essential fatty acids - незаменимые жирные кислоты
essential amino acids - незаменимые аминокислоты
metabolic processes - обменные процессы
toxicity - токсичность
immune system
digestion - пищеварение, переваривание, усвоение пищи
microflora, intestinal flora - микро-, кишечная флора
vitamin B-12 deficiency - недостаток Б-12
a lower bone (stock) density - уменьшение плотности костной ткани
underweightness - недостаточность веса
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Старый 11-09-2008, 14:01   #5
Аватар для Вадим Асадулин
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Re: Доказательная медицина о вегетарианстве.

Спасибо! Я знал, что Вы мне поможете!
Вадим Асадулин вне форума  
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anyk99 (14-09-2008), Corlack (18-03-2013), IrMa (11-09-2008), slavol (09-01-2010), Гвоздь (09-01-2010), Илья (12-09-2008)
Старый 11-09-2008, 22:57   #6
Аватар для Вадим Асадулин
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Re: Доказательная медицина о вегетарианстве.

Сообщение от IrMa
underweightness - недостаточность веса
Лучше - недостаток веса.
Витамин B12, так и будет.
Вадим Асадулин вне форума  
Старый 12-09-2008, 22:22   #7
Аватар для IrMa
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Re: Доказательная медицина о вегетарианстве.

Сообщение от Вадим Асадулин
Вы опять? )) Вот Вам за это краткое содержание первой публикации (первый пост), поправляйте, если что.

Речь идёт об исследовании по выявлению влияния фруктово-овощной диеты и отдельных веществ и витаминов на снижение риска возникновения рака груди у женщин предклимактического возраста (premenopausal breast cancer risk).

В результате исследования:
- не выявлено никакой взаимосвязи между риском возникновения рака груди и такими веществами, как бето-криптоксантин (beta-cryptoxanthin), ликопен (lycopene), а т. зерновыми волокнами (grain fiber),
- обнаружена очень слабая взаимосвязь между снижением риска рака груди и фруктами,
- не оказалось взаимосвязи между риском и отдельным (в качестве пищевой добавки) приёмом витаминов С и Е и фолиевой кислоты (folic acid),
- выявлена очень сильная взаимосвязь между потреблением овощей и снижением риска рака груди.

Вывод: потребление овощей снижает предклимактический риск возникновения рака груди, что м.б. частично связано с воздействием содержащихся в овощах бета-каротина (beta-caroteine), лютеина (lutein) и зеаксантина (zeaxanthin). Отдельно друг от друга эти компоненты изучены не были, сл-но, влияние было, скорее всего, синергетическим.

Наблюдались две группы женщин: пациенток (297) в возрасте 40 и выше с диагнозом "рак груди", поставленным с ноября 1986 по апрель 1991, и контрольная группа (311) женщин тех же лет, проживающих в тех же районах и схожих условиях.
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Старый 12-09-2008, 22:40   #8
Аватар для Вадим Асадулин
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Re: Доказательная медицина о вегетарианстве.

Сообщение от IrMa
Вы опять?
Больше не буду стремиться усовершенствовать само совершенство!
Рак груди, наверное - это рак молочной железы...
grain fiber - м. б. клетчатка?
Вадим Асадулин вне форума  
2 пользователей сказали Вадим Асадулин спасибо за это полезное сообщение:
anyk99 (14-09-2008), IrMa (12-09-2008)
Старый 12-09-2008, 22:42   #9
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Re: Доказательная медицина о вегетарианстве.

Да, ещё хотела подсунуть Вам Википедию, с миллионом ссылок: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raw_foodism
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Старый 12-09-2008, 22:46   #10
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Re: Доказательная медицина о вегетарианстве.

Сообщение от Вадим Асадулин
grain fiber - м. б. клетчатка?
О, может, и она. Я думала-думала, и ничего лучше, чем зерновые волокна, не придумала.

Клетчатка, разве не cellulose или что-то там cellular?
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